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Letters to the Editor

Is Government golf free?March 1, 2009Dear Sir,

Is Government golf free?

March 1, 2009

Dear Sir,

With regard to the increase in membership dues at the Ocean View Golf Course and in the interests of transparency, how many of the Government Board of Trustees, Government Ministers and their friends pay for their rounds of golf?



A pet for you

March 2, 2009

Dear Sir,

I'm submitting this letter to the press for three reasons: The first is to mention "Paws To the Park" an event that's held by the SPCA annually; to help raise funds and assist with the caring of the many animals that are stray, as well as them that have been abandoned for countless reasons…They're no-longer wanted/or can't be cared for, and often many find themselves there at the SPCA kennels (hopefully) to be adopted. Secondly, I also want to mention an uncle of mine, Mr. Louis Ray who'd served the SPCA for an extremely long time (25 years to be exact) Physically, he no-longer is with us, though his wife aunt Rose still helps out at the SPCA.

And the third reason: We'd previously adopted two unwanted puppies from the SPCA (19 years ago) and together they'd lived happily up until recently…on January 11 "Shadow" had been diagnosed with cancer and two weeks later he passed away peacefully in his sleep, to be missed, but never forgotten.

My point, there's possibly a "Shadow" for you (or a loved one) that can be found at the SPCA on Valley Road Paget that will bring them and you "happiness". The sort of happiness that one receives from a pet that's shown affection. We still have "Barney" who for a short time displayed bewilderment in not seeing "Shadow" but now after so much attention/affection he's coming around and has been as lively as anyone can expect a 19-year-old dog be!


St. George's

Review the fight footage

March 1, 2009

Dear Sir,

Commenting on the fight at the Bus Terminal, I doubt things have changed but in my day private school didn't mess with public school at the bus station. Talk about good idea-bad idea. It appears that the mother of the Berkeley student hasn't got the full story yet and that's understandable. What both parents of the students need to understand is that they maybe your children and you love them, but they can do wrong, and when they do do wrong, it's up to you, the parents to set them straight.

What needs to happen is for those involved to sit down together and review the security camera footage that should have been available. This will determine who threw the first punch and who should be punished.

If it turns out that it was the Warwick student that hit the Berkeley student first then the case should be dropped and punishment should go to the Warwick student.

However if it turns out that it was the Berkeley student that threw the first punch then it's hammer time, and this parent needs to step up to the plate and discipline her child. Behaviour like that is unacceptable. Finally I would like to point out, it's not: "She's not just going to stand there like a sissy, she fought back." It's "she was attacked and used self-defence."

Vocabulary, people, vocabulary.



Show some patience

February 26, 2009

Dear Sir,

As a person who has nearly been hit while exercising on Bermuda's roads, by someone rushing off who is late for one thing or another, I find Arcy W's letter of February 26 extremely disturbing.

This person claims driving on Sunday morning along Harbour Road on their way to church and coming across four Lance Armstrong lookalikes riding west side by side. First of all, one would kill to look like Lance Armstrong, so whoever you came across on Sunday morning deserves praise for looking so good.

Secondly, Canada is a lovely country with far more land mass than ours and beautiful wide roads with actual biking lanes. Can't you bring yourself to be a little more patient and give yourself a little more time and allow us all to share the only roads we have in our beautiful island home? It's all we have and we really need to be more patient of each other.

Lastly, the obscenities you yell out when passing us on our pedal bikes won't go down well in church anyway, even if you do arrive early.

May the day you reach the Pearly Gates, St. Peter proclaims it an official Lance Armstrong Holiday. He, in my opinion really deserves thanks and praise.


City of Hamilton