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Letters to the Editor

Don't take my word for itOctober 4, 2010Dear Sir,

Don't take my word for it

October 4, 2010

Dear Sir,

In my opinion, if Grand Atlantic Development keeps building the low income housing and hotel on the South Shore, they could cause the worst disaster Bermuda has ever seen. The cliffs at the waterside of this area have been severely eroding for years. The base of these cliffs has an unstable sandy vein below the rock. This vein keeps getting washed away, causing the rock above to fall. Over the last few years huge rocks, trees, concrete access stairs and even an access road have all come crashing down. This erosion can be clearly seen at this time of the year when there is sand on the beach and you can walk along. In the winter the sand is washed away and there is no beach so the waves crash against the base of the cliffs.

Mr. Gilbert Lopes has stated publicly that there were 11 test holes dug down 100 feet and that seismic studies made. The ocean, with all the force of its waves crashing against the base, means that these studies etc are irrelevant. I believe he should get a second opinion before proceeding with this development. Don't take my word for this. I urge the public to go down Astwood Walk just east of the Warwick Shell gas station on South Shore Road and see for yourselves. The developers are presently building right above the worst erosion.

I have just been down to the beach and have observed that Hurricane Igor has caused further erosion. Go down and see what the power of the waves is doing.



Judging the judges

October 2, 2010

Dear Sir,

The PLP is using Standard & Poor's optimism as proof that Bermuda's economy is in good shape ... the same Standard & Poor's that rated all those mortgage-backed securities AAA+ a couple of years back ... and rated Enron at investment grade four days before it went into bankruptcy ... need I say more?


St. George's

Writing is on the wall

September 10, 2010

Dear Sir,

Please allow me to reply to Dr. Ewart Brown's comments on Labour Day. His statement that the BIU is stronger under a PLP Government is totally false. The facts and writing is on the wall that they are not. The BIU sold its soul to Government over the Berkeley School development when Government bailed the BIU out of its bond mess. All the construction contracts are not going to unionised workers. The list goes on and on: The hotel freeze, the taxi industry mess. The BIU have done quite a bit for workers of this country, but under a PLP Government unions have had tremendous hurdles for fighting for workers rights.



Something's very wrong

September 21, 2010

Dear Sir,

I read with astonishment and surprise the letter to the editor from the eminent historian Mr. William S. Zuill Sr. of August 27, 2010. He is suggesting a knighthood for the Hon. Dr. Ewart Brown. Mr. Zuill goes on to compare the Honourable Premier with Sir Henry Tucker and Sir John Swan. I might bring it to Mr. Zuill's attention that Sir Henry and Sir John spent all their time trying to get the races together and live in harmony. the Honourable Premier Dr. Ewart Brown has spent all his political life trying to get the races as far away from each other as possible. To draw a comparison with these two gentlemen is fundamentally wrong. How in the world can Doctor Brown get a knighthood when Mr. Alex Scott has been overlooked? There is something very wrong here. I believe there is an unwritten rule that there should only be a knighthood every five years. So consequently that means a long wait for the Honourable Premier as Mr. Alex Scott is definitely the next one in line.

L. L.