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A letter to Santa ClausThis letter was sent to Santa Claus and copied to <I>The Royal Gazette.</I>December 8, 20008

A letter to Santa Claus

This letter was sent to Santa Claus and copied to The Royal Gazette.

December 8, 20008

Dear Santa,

This mid-winter is going to be a tough one for a lot of people.

It's got me thinking about what people really deserve and what they really need.

So this year, here's my list of three things that I'd really like for everyone in the world, but especially for our leaders:

Peace – Harmony and contentment to calm the world's greed and conflict;

Love – Compassion and selflessness to heal the world's fear and anger; and

Understanding – Wisdom and empathy to dispel the world's ignorance and distrust.

I have a feeling that the US President-elect might set a good example for our little country, as well as the world as a whole. So I hope that you are able to give him whatever he really needs as well.


Opposed to beach bar

December 5, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am so saddened and outraged by the thought of building a beach bar at Warwick Long Bay.

Horseshoe Bay was once a nice beach – rated one of the top ten in the world until the food stalls, bar and furniture rentals became available which allowed it to become a further populated area for more trash! Do not get me wrong, I can be seen at Horseshoe during the summer months, because it has truly become a social spot, but doing this to Warwick is a mistake.

I am a Bermudian working in the hospitality industry and it is very naive and selfish of the Ministry to think that creating this same atmosphere at Warwick will bring more tourists to the island. I send all my visitors to Warwick Long Bay to find real pink Bermuda sand, glorious coves and just plain Beauty. Everyone of them have returned to me and praised it as a perfect spot. If you set up a consession like Horseshoe we will no longer have a beautiful natural beach. If the tourists want chair rentals and food and booze - then send them to Horseshoe. If the tourists want natural picturesque beauty, then send them to Warwick Long Bay. Honestly, as both a hospitality professional and a Bermudian.. I will be heartbroken to see our ministry destroy such a beautiful piece of the rock. It is already a tourist attraction, do not turn it into a dump.



Reach out, Dr. Brown

November 21, 2008

Dear Sir,

Below is my Facebook message to Dr. Brown. It was sent after reading about his remarks in the House of Assembly on November 14, speculating on how white Bermudians would have voted in the US election. ...

Dr. Brown,

Although I didn't vote for your party in the last two elections and I do not think of you as my No. 1 choice for Premier, I have a lot of respect for how far you risen on the Island, despite what certain members of the white establishment wanted in the civil rights era. You knew what you wanted, you worked hard and eventually you got it. My point is to you, now that you have achieved all this why not be the bigger person and move forward instead of dwelling on what is done and gone.

What bothers me is that you have a chip on your shoulder against the next generation of white Bermudians who had nothing to do with our dark past. I am educated, open minded and willing to listen to anyone, but when I hear you on the BBC saying white people do not need any help (I am not from one of the original white families who have property all over the island) or I read in The Royal Gazette that white Bermudians would not have voted for Obama, that upsets me! It is just completely playing on stereotypes and completely unprofessional for the leader of the country to dive in to.

I voted for Obama and strongly believe he was the best choice by far. Not only was he more charismatic, brighter and more refreshing than McCain, but he was the choice for the Democrats, a party that desperately needs to take power to restore credibility to America in the world and to its own citizens. Obama reached out to everyone and while he did not win the majority of white voters, he got pretty close. I think this philosophy of reaching out to the other race is important and something that you could learn a ton from. Yes, the voter make-up is vastly different in Bermuda (the PLP don't need any white votes to win), whereas Obama needed a significant segment of the white population to vote for him. But the fact was that many white people could care less of the colour of his skin and they voted for someone that represented hope and unification. When he was celebrating his victory in the election at Grant Park in Chicago, I thought the coolest part of the party was seeing all the old black folks who had seen so much injustice (no voting, overt racism, no civil rights, etc) crying for joy. They must have been so excited and optimistic for the future of America.

Dr Brown, I want to feel that way for Bermuda! I would consider voting PLP next election in Warwick Southeast, if the divisive rhetoric was replaced by a more open arms vibe. Yes, you don't need me to hold onto power, but wouldn't you like my support and potentially my time? I feel strongly about giving back to the Island that has given me so much, but part of me is why bother if the Government doesn't care about me? Probably the most ludicrous comment I have ever heard from any first world political party was when one of your party figures (also happened to be a public school teacher, yikes!) said "voting UBP would essentially be voting yourself back into chains of slavery". To me that was an insult to every Bermudian's intelligence (including all the people who cheered at the rally). How can you expect rational, moderate white Bermudians be interested in a party which preaches this?

And yet, Government continues to spend all this money on the "Big Conversation", trying to heal Bermuda by bringing in these highflying international experts. All this is undone every election when the PLP comes knocking on every black Bermudian's door looking for a vote, spooking them about the return of the 'big bad UBP'. As my dad says "talk is cheap", so you may say you are trying to heal, but really you enjoy the power that is given to you in the current status quo. So either don't pretend to be healing Bermuda's race problem or truly open yourself to that 35 percent of electorate which just may have something to offer. I for one would be very interested.


California, USA

Govts. are all the same

December 2, 2008

Dear Sir,

I have been away from Bermuda now since September and so naturally I have been missing the place. I check the online version of your paper almost everyday just to keep up. Lately I have been following the fallout from the most recent ridiculous comment by the Premier.

It's pretty clear the comment has been resoundingly discredited, judging by the number of letters you have received and probably have yet to receive. I was going to write one to add to the numbers but then I thought that maybe I should leave it. The point has been delivered. What I have found is that everyone gets all uptight whenever someone from Government makes a ridiculous comment like that. Everyone and their aunt sends in a letter criticising the Government or that person for saying such "asinine" or "racially divisive" things. It's almost like watching a mass buffalo suicide over a cliff.

I remember last year when Lovitta Foggo said "a vote for the UBP is a vote back to the plantation". Now, on face value that's a pretty bold comment. Shocked the hell out of me. But then I thought about it for a minute and I thought that it really was a ridiculous thing to say; how could a vote for the UBP be a vote back to any plantation? No one, including UBP voters, would allow such a thing so therefore it's a rather preposterous statement on some epic level. I don't believe that any of the PLP candidates from 2007 were insane, living in a parallel universe maybe, but not crazy enough to really think that would happen. Then I watched everyone get all riled up about it. What I can't tell is whether it helped to get any political party elected or not elected. Now that's a sad day if it did. So why was that said? Because they know that's the how they will stay in power for as long as they can milk it.

Bermuda governments are all the same and they all do pretty much the same things: look after seniors, fix the roads, bungle up education, etc, so on and so forth. But what keeps them in office is race and keeping everyone at each other's throats. The UBP of Old did it and now the PLP are doing it. Remember the one about" "We don't need the white vote to win the election?" That may be factually true but it surely did not help race relations one iota. In fact, that may have been the one that destroyed any hope of good race relations.

So what's my point in all this? My point is this: let whoever up on the Hill, including UBP MPs by the way, say the dumbest, most ridiculous, asinine, culturally insensitive, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, uncaring comments they can come up with and just simply, ignore it. Let them rant on how great they are and how great their parties are and then let them push each other down over it. Let them devour each other in the hopes that they just disappear into their own vapour and then we'll see who the last few standing are and hopefully we'll have some people up there of some value.

You see, it's only when things are a little quiet that someone will say something stupid. It's like a game of cat and mouse. They are the Big Cat and everyone else is the mouse. When that cat gets bored, it looks for that little mouse for a bit of fun. That poor little mouse gets so stressed out that this big paw with claws is giving him a slap around the room right before it gets eaten. Now I'm not saying completely ignore them and I don't mean to trivialise this. Not at all. We should always keep any Government on their toes and this one is no exception.

It's funny when you watch things from afar. You really get a good perspective on it all. I bet if we all just ignore them and let them ramble on, maybe we the people will actually be better off at determining our future. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Oh and if I could have, I would have voted for Barack Obama too.


Smith's/New York City

Stop picking on whites

November 19, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am prompted to write this contribution to your daily due to comments recently made by the Premier in the House.

Dr. Brown, at a time when our country, and yes our people of African descent, require and desire positive leadership, you sir, continue making statements such as you have recently in the House, Friday November 14, 2008. I do believe that a man is entitled to an opinion. I know that people of African descent have been scarred. And yes, we do have to address these issues. But should we not address them in a more positive manner, a manner that will assist in the Empowerment of a people, not negative rhetoric that will continue to fuel the flames of racism? Isn't this why the BRRI (Bermuda Race Relations Initiative) was begun in the first place? Why not be vocal there Dr. Brown, Elected Member of Parliament, Mr. Premier.

Why, in a place where you have been elected as a representative of the people, where you should have the people's business as your focus first and foremost, do you insist on continuing to attack whites? This, at a time when we so sorely require, you sir, to stand up and be a leader, not someone who is making speeches in Washington DC, next to Black Panther leaders. Yes I brought it up, but of course it is there for all to see on the Government web page.

Yes, Mr. Premier, there are these things that in the past and the present have been done towards our people, by other races. Yes we as a people globally are in a place that is not by any means desirable. Yes we desire a change, and yes a change is attainable, change is something that can come, but, it must begin with all of us in all areas. This change does not mean that because the PLP is "in power" you have to stand up and make statements such as aforementioned. That is rhetoric that will not serve the people of Bermuda in a positive manner, it can and will only serve to further fan the flames of prejudice on all sides.

I respectfully submit to you sir, that you must change! Change your viewpoint to that as leader of a country of people, not just of people of African descent. For if you do not sir you are a leader of neither. To be a leader of this country of diverse cultures, you must be for all people, not just blacks. Please stop picking on "white people!" To be a leader of people of African descent in these times, you must release the negative and build the positive. Lead from the front! Stop being an activist and start being a true leader.

Recently the people voted for Barack Obama to be the 44th President of the United States. Not once did we hear this man speak in a derogatory manner toward anyone. Neither does he carry on like "he the man", from day one he has not only spoke of, but, demonstrated change positively in his entire career. He has and will accomplish change through unity. For unity is powerful, so powerful that it can bring about change. 'Nuff respect! Sir, you have achieved some good for Bermuda, but in some areas you have been found wanting.

"I don't stand for black man's side, I don't stand for white man's side, I stand for God's side." – Bob Marley

"I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their colour." – Malcolm X

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness;

Only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate;

Only love can do that." – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



A character builder

December 1, 2008

Dear Sir,

I'll begin this letter by asking a question: What has happened to the proverbial 'newspaper-boy'? From where I stand, opposite the entrance to Horseshoe Bay Beach, it continually astonishes me that few if any of our young men any longer takes advantage of this once, so sought after an occupation. Particular, since there are so many examples of young men — now adults who have profited immensely and graduated through the ranks from this "humble" beginning. I know of no less than half a dozen elders who enjoy solid reputations, palatial homes and good standings within their communities because of their decision to make their start as a newspaper boy. (What began for me two years ago, filling in for a relative, has yielded incalculable earnings — most intangible, but many tangible.)

Even so, the benefits are as varied as they are many. At the outset, it affords the ambitious young man an early start to the day. In time, it familiarises him with his community and his community him. This work demands and encourages punctuality, it develops numeracy (maths), certainly literacy (English language) and entrepreneurial skills (one's own business), and no less importantly, it puts $10-15 in his pocket before he sets off for school. For a teen, income upwards of $75 in one's wallet per week for approximately ten hours of work is commendable, and, from an industry that is regular.

Moreover, do not the Scriptures tell us that 'little by little wealth is increased'? Besides opening up a world of opportunity: career-wise, educational and fiscal, it keeps one abreast of current affairs — both local and global, and all of this before 8 a.m., a time when most people are just setting off to begin their day. Meaningfully, it fosters relationships, develops social skills and, if the young man practices good work habits, character.

And for those courageous young lions who would take this course, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie/(Ras Tafari) offers this encouragement on work:

"We have said that whoever doesn't work because he doesn't want to is poor. We have said that wealth has to be gained through hard work. We have said those who don't work starve. And now we add that the capacity to earn depends on the individual: Each individual is responsible for his misfortunes, his fate. It is wrong to expect help to fall from above, as a gift: Wealth has to be deserved. Work is one of the commandments of Our Lord the Creator!

"If each and everyone endeavours to cooperate and work in as much as his capacity permits, our faith rests upon the Almighty God that he would bless the results for us... It is our obligation to work upon and benefit from this country whose fertile soil has been granted us by the Almighty God. We have to gain honour and pride for the country." For my part, it behooves me to demonstrate, once again, what may well be achieved in a two-hour time-frame. My appeal is that some young man or a few pay strict attention.

