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Changing the factsJuly 25, 2010Dear Sir,

Changing the facts

July 25, 2010

Dear Sir,

Once again a PLP member of Parliament, or one of the chosen few, has turned facts on their head. Zane DeSilva, last time I looked, was white. The protesters who are reported to have rocked his (our) car were white. The protest on Friday was not about race, but the PLP have once again turned it into a race issue. We all know what the protest was about and it included this Government's position in relying upon expensive and secret reports, which was and is indefensible.

Zane waved to the protesters while at the traffic lights with a big smile on his face. Should the protesters have touched his car? No. Should Zane have had the courage to speak to the people, yes. Yes, he would have received a lot of flak. He was trying, and did succeed, in taking something away from many people, black and white. Over 80 percent of the population disagreed with his party's position but all agreed that reform was needed and the new Corporation team was and is working towards that. The Government refused to listen. Zane was in a lose-lose scenario on Friday no matter what he did and Zane does not like to lose.

I have known, worked and socialised with Zane and his family in years past and know that he is a driven and very successful businessman. He is probably one of the richest contractors on this Island. I challenge Zane to share his wealth with the black community and build the new Salvation Army hostel for the homeless at no charge so that those who have nothing can at least have somewhere safe to sleep at night. The PLP have been all promises but no action on this for years. Parties and golf tournaments tend to take priority.

I doubt Government has any real desire to help those in greatest need to become more equal because when they are more equal all voters will look at Government's performance and the race card will be worthless. The PLP would then be judged on their performance alone and that is woefully wanting.



Bermuda is amazing

July 24, 2010

Dear Sir,

My wife and I have just returned from the trip of a lifetime!!!!!

We spent our honeymoon in Bermuda at the Mermaid Beach Club, which I understand no longer exists, 30 years ago. For a Christmas present, our four daughters gave us a cruise to Bermuda on the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas!!! We docked at King's Wharf on July 19, the day of our 30th wedding anniversary! There was no question where we wanted to go on our first day — St. George's. We had spent much time there on our first trip in 1980. The highlight of our trip this time was the ferry ride and tour of St. George's with the former Mayor E. Michael Jones, and now the Chairman of the Bermuda Tourism Board!!! He was/is just incredible!!! His knowledge of history, culture, people, spirit and humour were fantastic!!! We enjoyed the tour so much!!! In fact, our entire two days in Bermuda were amazing!

While in St. George's, after the tour we ate at the White Horse Pub and Restaurant. It was fabulous! Then we walked past the unfinished church to Tobacco Bay and enjoyed an incredible and relaxing swim! The following day, we took the ferry to Hamilton and checked out Front Street, then on to the Sessions House the City Hall and then to have a drink at La Trattoria before boarding a bus at the terminal. We then took the No. 7 along the South Shore to Horseshoe Bay to enjoy swimming and photo taking. We continued on to The Naval Dockyard to take advantage of a tremendous lunch at the Frog and Onion Pub! My wife had the Princess burger and I had the Frog and Onion Burger...simply delicious!!! The guitar player, with two different shoes on, played a fantastic song for us!!! Then we boarded the Explorer of the Seas for our return to Bayonne, NJ. It was an incredible voyage!!! It was our first cruise and to go back to Bermuda after 30 years was simply amazing!!!!!

The Bermudian people are so hospitable, the history, culture, beauty is something we will never forget!!! We can't wait to get back!!!!!

Bermuda is another world!!!!!


Emerson, NJ

Thanking the people

July 26, 2010

Dear Sir,

Regarding the Perimeter Lane housing development mentioned on the front page of Friday's (July 23) Royal Gazette. It's good to see it that it has come to completion and people are now occupying the apartments. As I read the article I noticed there were a number of people and companies that were thanked for their work and effort in making this project a reality.

However, there is one group of Bermudians that are always left out of the applause and accolades when Government projects and programmes are instituted. I'd like to take this time to thank those people. The people who are the real reason Government projects and programmes exist at all.

The group I'm referring to are the thousands of honest, hard working Bermudians, both black and white, that go through their lives working, providing for their families and paying their dues. The ones who go through their daily lives without being a burden to the Police or the court system, the ones who give some stability to their neighbourhoods the ones who never ask for anything but always give when asked.

Let us remember without these Bermudians projects such as Frog Lane, Perimeter Lane and services such as free bus rides, affordable day care and other things would not be possible. Although some may think so, there is no hole in the roof of the Parliament building where money falls through any time Government needs it, there is no money tree hiding on the grounds of Government House, politicians aren't opening up their cheque books and paying for these things out of their own pockets. The architects, contractors and service providers are not donating their time and material free of charge, these things all cost money. And for those that believe international business and tourism revenue pay for all of the things Government does, remember without the support services many Bermudians provide neither international business or tourism would exist here.

So let me finish by saying thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Bermuda, thank you for Perimeter Lane and everything else you have done and you continue to do for our Island.

