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May 24 is too dearMarch 31, 2009Dear Sir

May 24 is too dear

March 31, 2009

Dear Sir

Am I the only person a little shocked that a $100 charitable donation is obligatory to run May 24th this year on top of the entry fee?

Whilst I am more than happy to support friends who are running the event for the first time for various charities, I am choking at the thought of paying $135 to run it myself. Having run the event three times now, and each year I am always overwhelmed by the support shown by people along the route, I find this non-optional donation hard to accept.

I would be happy to pay twice that sum to a first-timer for whom it will be a real challenge and is worthy of every cent but on principle will probably either skip it totally or run unofficially ...


Hamilton Parish

Tourism strategy failed

March 27, 2009

Dear Sir,

Without a doubt the "public outcry" to right the wrongs in tourism has fallen on deaf ears. Sadly the mistakes, outlandish parties, poorly placed advertising and promotional dollars have taken us down the path of utter destruction. We are now politically adrift with no real hope of recovery because the dreamers don't know how to restore an industry that flourished in the past.

In the old days when more than 10,000 beds existed, it was difficult to find an empty room in high season on our island. Today, with perhaps less than 3,000 beds, you could shoot a cannon in the hallways of our major hotels and not hit anyone. Those were the days when professional people gave advice on marketing strategies and political representatives were less involved. You know the rest of the story – the proof of failure stares us in the face, everyday.

As much as everybody admires Tiger Woods, we find it hard to believe he will have a following from North America to fill hotel beds should he win the Grand Slam. Even then we don't know if he will come. With those thoughts in mind, millions have been spent building people's hopes that one day Tiger will come to our shores.

Perhaps the better idea would be to sponsor a major golf event, that includes as many participants as possible, to occupy rooms, and not just hope viewers will be enticed to come because Tiger was seen golfing in Bermuda. That is hit and miss advertising, and will not benefit the thousands of Bermudians who work so hard to make this island prosperous.



A A Bartender…

March 10, 2009

Dear Sir,

I didn't want to believe that Dr. Brown (majority of you know him as your Premier) was actually going to undermine the efforts of the Road Safety Council and other organisations within our community by casually serving cups of death on the rocks at Elbow Beach. I had to shake my head when I actually saw the picture in The Royal Gazette.

I can only imagine the conversations held over and across the bar during his period of intoxicating, and altering people's minds once again. In case you didn't realise what you where doing behind the bar, Dr. Brown, I thought that I would take out this time to inform you that I didn't appreciate your actions.

You should be setting standards for the community to follow and in doing so I don't think you should have involved wines and spirits. I'm not saying that there's something wrong with bartending, because I've done it in the past, but I'm not in your position as Bermuda's Premier.

Usually when bartenders make mistakes they have to drink them, and by your posture in the photo pouring the Gray Goose this may have been your first time bartending. So even if you made over ten mistakes, someone is paid to drive you home. I know that I'll get some type of feedback from this letter, because it's usually the case when I speak my mind…



Write on, Mark

March 28, 2009

Dear Sir,

I have been reading your paper and, in particular, letters to the editor, for nigh over 50 years. Sometimes a letter writer says all the right things; says what virtually all of a certain group are thinking or feeling; gets it virtually perfect.

Mark Emmerson wrote a letter in The Royal Gazette on Saturday, March 28. It was addressed specifically to CURB and Lynne Winfield. If ever a letter should be reprinted a few times for all to see – that letter is high on my list. Whether Eva or Rolfe or Doc or any of the others who cannot seem to move forward, disagree, which they surely will, that letter said it all .... I venture to guess that the comments Mr. Emmerson made are shared by all of us who just want to move on, NOT forget, but move on.

Lynne, you can talk all you want but it may be that you should listen to Mark! We may disagree but you need to know that your views are not the only 'right' ones...



Balloon of death

March 28, 2008

Dear Sir,

I would like to bring to the attention of the driver of a blue Suzuki Ignis, approaching the roundabout at North Shore Road and Barkers Hill on Saturday, March 28 that a helium-filled balloon escaped from your back window. This balloon will end up in the ocean, and will most likely cause the death of a turtle or some other marine mammal because of a child sitting in the back seat of your car thought it would be fun to let loose this balloon.

Personally, I think balloons should be banned in Bermuda because due to our small size they tend to end up in the ocean, causing extremely painful deaths to marine mammals. It's bad enough that speed idiots are racing through turtle feeding areas and killing these precious creatures, and then some kiddie in a car lets loose a death sentence.

I would suggest that these people volunteer at BAMZ so they can see first hand what happens to these innocent creatures at the hands of uncaring two legged mammals.


St. David's

I apologise to all

March 29, 2009

Dear Sir,

There has recently been much mention of a desire to have an apology for past actions/thoughts/discrimination. This is most appropriate.

The white ancestors in Bermuda enslaved the Africans. Their descendants should apologise.

More recently, whites discriminated against blacks; for that they should apologise.

Also, blacks have discriminated against mulattos, American Indians, Portuguese and Jews; for they should apologise.

Portuguese have discriminated against blacks, and American Indians; for that they should apologise.

American Indians have discriminated against blacks, and Portuguese; for that they should apologise.

Each group is guilty of discrimination. All should apologise ... and move forward.

"I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions" – The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

To all, I apologise, to live in peace.

