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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, October 1, 2008

Trailors break licenceSeptember 24, 2008Dear Sir,

Trailors break licence

September 24, 2008

Dear Sir,

I would like to make a public plea to the Minister of Transport.

Recently I have noticed the proliferation of trailer dump trucks (TDT's) on the roads. It's my opinion these TDT's are being used illegally, outside the remit of their licence.The Motor Car Act of 1951 paragraph 2 item (V1) states; "trailers not to be used for transport of any item, material or load which can safely be carried in a truck."

These TDT's are carrying aggregate such as screenings, sand, soil, rubble and other processed material which may be carried in smaller HCH class trucks. Operating these trailer trucks in this manner is threatening the livelihoods of the small independent truckers.

It is my understanding that these vehicles are on Bermuda's roads because you as the Minister of Transport did exercise your discretionary power to allow them. The capacity of these trailers is on average five times larger than the HCH dump truck. This is of great benefit to the large business owner privileged to have such permits, but does nothing to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the small independent trucker.

With the recent economic slowdown and the forecast that it will not be improving anytime soon, there are many small independent truckers who are at risk of losing all that they have worked so hard to achieve.

It's my view, independent truckers are hard working Bermudians who have made many sacrifices to earn an honest living and these TDT's are a direct threat on their ability to provide for their families.

In the past, previous Ministers of Transport have exercised their discretionary power and allowed these vehicles to operate on specific large demolition projects with the permits later withdrawn upon completion.

My request is to your compassionate side, in asking you that you reconsider the decision to allow these vehicles to operate unabated. Please reinstate the restriction that limits the use of these vehicles to only carry construction debris as stipulated in the Motor Car Act of 1951.

I am addressing this through the media as the pleas of the truckers up until now have been ignored. Thank you for your consideration on this matter.



P.s. These extremely large trailer trucks pose a danger to the motoring public and increase the deterioration of our road surfaces.

Consulate parking needed

September 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

A parking lot is definitely needed at the US Consulate, because the current parking situation is dangerous. Seven years ago, while crossing the busy street to get to the consulate, I was hit by a car and flew up and over the hood. Oh, and I was five months pregnant at the time. Fortunately my son turned out fine and I just had lots of bumps and bruises. The current situation is unsafe.


Berwyn, Pennsylvania

Clifton alternatives

September 22, 2008

Dear Sir,

On the vexing question of Clifton it seems that there are only two alternatives. Either it is the official residence of the Premier just as No. 10 Downing Street is in England, and make it mandatory that the Premier moves in when elected, or sell or rent the premises to the American Embassy.

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to conclude that given a choice, any prospective Premier would opt to spend thousands of taxpayers dollars in renovating their own home rather than moving into Clifton, which is bound to be a temporary arrangement. Therefore if Clifton is going to remain the official residence of the Premier, the new Premier must live there whether he or she likes it or not.

As for the Consulate car park I heartily endorse it whether or not the property remains the official residence of our Premier. The car park will occupy a very small portion of the Clifton property and make a big difference to locals needing to visit the Consulate.



Pigeons will come

September 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

In reply to Wondering in Monday's RG, pigeons worldwide operate on the Field of Dreams principle – build it and they will come.

Spike strips can be retrofitted to the horizontal surfaces on which they like to strut but, in the meantime, I remain

Yours wearing a hat,


Hamilton Parish

Columnist insult

September 20, 2008

Dear Sir,

It was not too long ago, on March 14, 2008 to be exact, that your columnist, Adrian Robson, was bemoaning the fact that Parliamentarians "can say exactly what they want without fear of reprisal".

This statement by Mr. Robson was made in reaction to remarks made by some Members of Parliament, in particular Glenn Blakeney, "who took full advantage of this exemption" and according to Mr. Robson, slandered him by describing him as a 'moron'. To refresh readers' memory, Adrian Robson had suggested in one "Friday Forum" that some members of the Bermuda National Team should have been put on the stop list, and several Members of Parliament, from both sides of the House took exception to Mr. Robson's remarks.

Prior to Mr. Robson's March 14 column, an editorial was written (March 12) defending Mr. Robson's remarks. One of the comments made in this editorial was as follows "What was most disturbing of all was the near-reflex action of Cabinet Minister Derrick Burgess to threaten the employment of a non-Bermudian journalist. The same Cabinet Minister came dangerously close to inciting people to violence under cover of parliamentary privilege."

In his "Friday Forum" on September 19, 2008, Robson comments on a new category in the Paralympics Games that the British have suggested be introduced for the 2012 games to be held in London. The new category would be for those with "Intellectual Disability". In my mind this means people who are mentally challenged who are not people I feel anyone should make fun of, in particular newspaper columnists. Robson goes on to write that one newspaper columnist in Britain suggested that his country "could make a clean sweep by fielding the entire national football team and pupils from a third of the nation's secondary school". Robson's closing remarks were "If Bermuda decides to name a squad including some of those who run the educational system in this Island, bolstered by some who sit in the House of Assembly on a Friday afternoon, they might have some stiff competition".

If a newspaper columnist in Britain wants to suggest that his national football team and pupils from a third of Britain's secondary schools are intellectually disabled, that's one thing. He may be talking about his own children and/or the children of his friends and family. However, for a "non-Bermudian" (as clarified by the Editor of The Royal Gazette) journalist to suggest that the Members of Bermuda's Parliament and some civil servants employed in the host country in which he is employed are intellectually disabled is another thing.

Opposition Leader Kim Swan and the other members of the Opposition, including Darius Tucker, who also took offence to Mr. Robson's remarks in March, should really be insulted that Mr. Robson is suggesting that they are intellectually disabled. Certainly if Premier Brown, Minister Burgess or MP Glenn Blakeney made that same suggestion, the Shadow Minister for Justice, Mark Pettingill would be on his way to court to take out a writ so that he could sue for defamation of character.

Freedom of speech is a right granted to each and every Bermudian and Bermuda resident. After re-reading the editorial of March 12, 2008, Mr. Robson's column this week and Tim Hodgson's opinion column on Friday, September 19, 2008, I am convinced that the shareholders and board of the Bermuda Press (Holdings) Ltd. are all intellectually disabled. Why else would they continue to keep those three editorial staff on the payroll?


Hamilton Parish

Advertising on buses

September 22, 2008

Dear Sir,

I noticed today, whilst having my lunch, that at least one of our buses has a large Digicel advertising covering the whole of the rear window.

I was under the impression that the Advertising Regulations Act 1911 and/or the Motor Car Act make it an offence to display advertising in such a manner. This must have been authorised by the Minister of Tourism. If this is the case then is it the beginning of the end as far as 'soft' advertising goes?


City of Hamilton

Gender variant concern

September 24, 2008

Dear Sir,

Protection for homosexuals needs to be "clearly stated ..."

While I heartily applaud Anglican Bishop elect Rev Canon Dr Patrick White and Archdeacon Andrew Doughty's belief that gay and lesbian rights should be protected (Royal Gazette, September 22).

As an abused septuagenarian male-to-female 24-years' post-operative transsexual Bermudian, I would be even more appreciative that they are of a voice to publicly condemn discrimination against gender variant persons, particularly on the grounds of their gender identity, too. Contrary to what many folk believe and propagate, sexual orientation and gender identification are individually separate and distinct entities, and need to be respected a such.



Buildings that destroy

September 21, 2008

Dear Sir,

Our Sunday drive to one of the most picturesque places on the Island turned into a shattering disappointment when we discovered an overpowering structure right next to an old house built about 218 years ago.

We couldn't believe permission was given to this monster to tower over the rest of the buildings in the village. It sits practically on the quaint, narrow street, and almost into the water of this historic place. The land owners have been allowed to gobble up virtually every square inch in their quest to dominate the surroundings. Shame on those developers and shame on our authorities for allowing it.

Several years ago, my wife and I, along with 40 or so volunteers, tried to make this a better place by resolving some of the traffic problems and beautification of Flatts Village . Today we have been reminded that sometimes you don't solve problems, we just get over them and label it the 'friction of living change'. Like everything else in the New Deal with the people of Bermuda, you like it or leave. Ignorance is not bliss, it is this new shaping of fate that has been bestowed upon us. Historic values have been left behind and a blind urge to excel, has unfortunately been handed over by the torch bearer.

Perhaps one day politicians who care for the environment, such as demonstrated by the former Premier Alex Scott, will say enough is enough, and the guardians of this country will be called upon to restore values and not build monuments.



Economic downer

September 24, 2008

Dear Sir,

Having recently spent a little time in Florida it was somewhat disconcerting to see the amount of good quality restaurants that have gone out of business, along with some major stores who have also closed their doors. Those businesses that are still operational are empty of customers. There is one consolation in this though, when you go into these places the staff bend over backwards to make sure you leave "Happy", which is something employers here need to look into.

People are losing their jobs in the thousands, in fact I believe there are about nine million unemployed nationwide. The average family have a difficult time making ends meet and many are selling their jewellery to buyers who immediately melt down the gold. So Bermuda, I don't think we can expect to see many tourists flocking to our shores in the next year or two. They do not have the money for the high air fares, or for the high prices when they get here. Put on top of all that the aggravation of going through airports, and there you have it.

On another important note, it would appear that the cities of London and Dublin are looking very attractive to the international companies lately.



Spare us the sordid detail

September 11, 2008

Dear Sir,

I was appalled and disgusted to read yesterday's front page headline and story on the Dill murder case and, in particular, the sordid details of the repulsive sex scenes taking place! It is NOT NECESSARY to report such filth in detail for all and anyone to read. It makes me sick, especially to think kids and young, impressionable teens may be reading it too. Responsible and mature thinking and reporting seems to have gone by the wayside and really makes me beg the question... are these articles being proofed/approved before they are released?

To make matters worse, I heard the same offensive details blaring over the 7 p.m. news on the television last night, so if anyone didn't have the chance to READ it, they could HEAR it!... I could not believe my ears! This is prime time/family time. No wonder kids today are all screwed up and have no respect and an "anything is acceptable" attitude. No wonder morality has sunk to an all-time low and we have such never-before-seen crime and violence and overall disgusting behaviour! Makes me shudder to think what some "irresponsible" parents would say when asked by their kids "what's anal/oral sex"? Kids shouldn't know, or have to ask such a question and we as responsible adults/community leaders should know better! Never in our day would this have been allowed to happen. We MUST stand up and protect such blatant disrespect for morality!

It's already too late this time, but maybe we can prevent it from happening again.



Disaster lies ahead

September 20, 2008

Dear Sir,

The issue of the Mid Ocean News of September 19, has a lead article that the 'expert' at the Ministry of Transport fears that there might be a 'potential lift problem' at Dockyard. Your readers who follow local affairs will know that this is the same 'expert' who had been advising our dysfunctional Premier/Minister of Tourism/Minister of Transport all along. I am sure that his wife, who is the former executive officer of the Chamber of Commerce and current chief executive of the St. George's Foundation has been passing on to him the deep and grave concerns of the Bermuda merchant community.

We now have the USA considering every option to stabilise and renew their economy and we have arrogantly placed ourselves right in their sights. Racist payback will destroy Bermuda unless our politicians develop some desire to help the whole community. Dreaming of the election of a candidate who has publicly and on more than one occasion vowed to close down offshore financial centres, is the height of irresponsibility. Our Finance Minister is living in a dream world. Does she not talk to any of her colleagues in the International community?

If ever there was a time that this Island needed sound and sensible leadership it is now. Compare the thoughtful and sensible views expressed by Bob Richards and Grant Gibbons with the pabulum that our Government (with the assistance of its consultants) is producing, and you can see where we are headed. Disaster lies ahead unless we change course immediately.

