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Shift happens

A seasoned educator recently reminded me that change is inevitable, but that it is our reaction to that change that really matters. Each September, teachers enter the classroom prepared to make a change - and a difference.

Hours are spent creating brightly, coloured bulletin boards and classroom libraries. Desks and tables are arranged, and rearranged until it 'feels just right'. Initial lesson plans are written to gather information for use to address student need. New outfits are purchased to further embody the idea that everything is fresh and new.

Each year, however, I question myself about how much I have changed. I consider personal professional development, not just a requirement by our newly established educational body, but rather a 'need' for every educator who truly believes that all children can learn. All the more, I consider professional development the food that feeds a teacher's soul.

Taking courses or attending workshops are great ways to enhance one's understanding of the best practices in instruction, classroom management and curriculum content. I have found, however, that the least expensive way to gain deeper knowledge about something is to talk. My husband always reminds me of a past Oprah show in which it was stated that women speak 5000 words in a day compared with a man's 500 words per day. Whether or not those figures are accurate or not, we talk! So why not use this medium to learn more about what will make teaching, and the classroom experience, more rewarding.

iTeach is a local organization created to provide educators with such a forum. Each summer institute and workshop provides a venue for educators to share concerns, challenges and celebrations of what takes place in the classroom.

Regardless of how we do change, it should always be for the betterment of our students.

A principal once said "Shift Happens". As we move to a better understanding about how children read and write, as we move to a place where students' experiences are valued, as we move to a place where children lead and teachers guide, 'shift' will occur. Let us embrace it and do what we need to do - for the good of the children!