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A payment plan could have been negotiated between the Gov't and the Union, even over 15 or 20 years at zero interest, to recoup this huge outstanding debt to The People. That's a lot of money to send down the drain. The Brownites are just thumbing their noses at us! And no one speaks up?

May 15, 2009

Dear Sir,

A payment plan could have been negotiated between the Gov't and the Union, even over 15 or 20 years at zero interest, to recoup this huge outstanding debt to The People. That's a lot of money to send down the drain. The Brownites are just thumbing their noses at us! And no one speaks up?

It seems there is a jaw dropping revelation about PLP mismanagement, stupidity, or alleged corruption almost every week that Dr. Brown is on Island. Maybe he should stay away — for good.

