I did not call Dueane Dill a house nigger
Obviously, Mr. Dill's stature dwarfs the long tales he is prone to advance in this matter. Simply put, he along with his anonymous supporter, has lied and wilfully mischaracterised my comments; and three weeks after the alleged event no less.
It is clear that Mr. Dill has now come out of the closet politically, but he should be cognisant of the fact that politics is a full contact sport and one for grown-ups. Nonetheless, we should still seek to operate within that arena with some integrity; something as proven by his comments that he sorely lacks.
What I did say to Mr. Dill and what was my core argument – which he took extreme issue with – was not that I had called him a name, which I didn't, but that a recent poll published by The Royal Gazette, indicated that all that the Bermuda Democratic Alliance has achieved thus far, has been to divide the United Bermuda Party's white support between the two political entities. It further illustrated that its support from the Black Bermudian electorate was minimal.
In this regard, I suspect as my own experience with Mr. Dill illustrates, that soon he will be taking The Royal Gazette to task as well, for breaking down the electorate in its polls racially (black, white, other). For in Mr. Dill's rose coloured world, race and how it relates to Bermuda politically, has no bearing and should never be mentioned in any circumstances.
My other assertion to him – which was tied to the first – which he also took strong exception to, is that many of the Black Bermudians who have taken frontline position within the BDA do not have much credibility politically, within the broader Black community, as they have been individuals who have tended to keep the Black community at arms length socially and professionally. I repeat not all; but many.
This is just my view, but the poll in question may be a reflection of that. Black Bermudians contrary to many reports are not stupid. This is a distinct vulnerability for the BDA, as it remains for the UBP, in a country which counts black Bermudians as slightly over two thirds of the electorate; and in a country still grappling with the historical legacy of racism, despite the country's unwillingness to talk much about it.
Moreover, this incident will tend to confirm the view among many, that the BDA as represented by Mr. Dill, is intent on the same tactics as its parent, the UBP. In fact, it has carried the discredited DNA with them, albeit with a new name and younger cast of characters. There is no doubt that many of them, like Mr. Dill, were ardent UBP supporters for years, toiling in the shadows, or as I mentioned earlier, in the closet.
And what is that discredited DNA or narrative? One that posits that if only our Premier, people like Rolfe Commissiong and the PLP stopped talking about race or as he puts it insultingly, stopped "playing the racecard", then all would be well in the kingdom and black Bermudians would see the light and vote for the UBP, or in this case the BDA.
From where I sit, that shows contempt for black Bermudians and the political choices they have made, even if the persons who run this line like Mr. Dill and some of his colleagues are in fact themselves black. The opposite side of the coin, is that the racial polarisation that has been such a feature of Bermuda's political landscape has been one that has been largely driven by Bermuda's white electorate, who have heretofore voted overwhelmingly, for one party since the advent of party politics in this country; that being the UBP.
Hopefully, that may be about to change as symbolised by the public support of the PLP given by Mr. Jonathan Smith, the former Police Commissioner, Minister Zane DeSilva and a growing number of white Bermudians behind the scenes, who are determined to break that historical legacy, of which I have outlined above.
To further highlight Mr. Dill's habit of telling tall tales or to simply lie when it suits his misguided and puerile political agenda, he should be aware that right after that conversation at the gym, I called Mr. Myron Piper, a political colleague of his and a personal friend of mine and related the above conversation to him. I think Mr. Piper, will confirm the substantive nature of that conversation, for unlike Mr. Dill, Mr. Piper, is a man with some integrity
Secondly, it was also Mr. Piper, who upon being made aware of the reporter's query into this matter, weeks later, suggested that I call Mr. Dill to ascertain whether he had indeed taken this to the press. Reluctantly, with my wife's urging, I did, to which Mr. Dill acknowledged that he had called The Royal Gazette. What he did not know was that my wife heard both conversations and suffice to say they bear no resemblance to the alleged facts on this point that Mr. Dill has constructed out of whole cloth and which were printed in The Royal Gazette.
I understand Mr. Dill's need to make a political name for himself; but alas he will not achieve that aim for what it is worth – at my expense or at the expense of the truth. He should be aware that political desperation is seldom rewarded.
Finally, I too despite my affiliation with the Progressive Labour Party, viewed the formation of the BDA as a positive step for Bermuda politically, this incident however has conveyed to me and I suspect to many others that the BDA seem inclined to play the same old games; and as such do not represent anything terribly new or original. Let's hope that this is not the case as we move forward; but Mr. Dill's sordid tall tale leaves us, with little cause for hope.