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Sex can still be fulfilling no matter what age you are.

Sexual health is important at any age. And the desire for intimacy is timeless. While sex may not be the same as it was in your 20s, it can still be as fulfilling as ever. Discover which aspects of sexual health are likely to change as you age and how you and your partner can adapt.Communication is keyTo maintain a satisfying sex life, talk with your partner. Set aside time to be sensual and sexual together. When you’re spending intimate time with your partner, share your thoughts about lovemaking. Help your partner understand what you want from him or her. Be honest about what you’re experiencing physically and emotionally.Sexual health and safe sexPeople of all ages should know how to practice safe sex. If you’re having sex with a new or different partner, always use a condom. Also talk with your doctor about other ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.If you’re in a long-term monogamous relationship and you’ve both tested negative for sexually transmitted infections, you probably don’t need to worry about protection. Until you know for sure, however, use a condom when you have sex.Ageing and men’s sexual healthTestosterone plays a critical role in a man’s sexual experience. Testosterone levels peak in the late teens and then gradually decline. Most men notice a difference in their sexual response by age 60 to 65. The penis may take longer to become erect, and erections may not be as firm. It may take longer to achieve full arousal and to have orgasmic and ejaculatory experiences. Erectile dysfunction also becomes more common. Several medications are available to help men achieve or sustain an adequate erection for sexual activity.Ageing and women’ssexual healthAs women approach menopause, their estrogen levels decrease, which may lead to vaginal dryness and slower sexual arousal. Women may experience emotional changes as well. While some women may enjoy sex more without worrying about pregnancy, naturally occurring changes in body shape and size may cause others to feel less sexually desirable.Tips for older menWhat you can do to maintain a healthy and enjoyable sex life as you grow older. Contrary to common myths about sexuality and older adults, sexual interest is not just for the young. Many seniors continue to enjoy their sexuality into their 80s and beyond. A healthy sex life is not only fulfilling, but it’s also good for other aspects of your life, including your physical health and self-esteem.What changes asmen get older?As men age, testosterone levels decline and changes in sexual function are common. These physiological changes can include:n A need for more stimulation to achieve and maintain an erection and orgasm- Shorter orgasms- Less forceful ejaculation and less semen ejaculated- Longer time needed to achieve another erection after ejaculationYou may feel some anxiety about these changes, but remember they don’t have to end your enjoyment of sex. Adapting to your changing body can help you maintain a healthy and satisfying sex life. For example, you may need to adjust your sexual routine to include more stimulation to become aroused.Senior sex andhealth problemsYour health also can have a big impact on your sex life and sexual performance. If you or your partner is in poor health or has a chronic health condition, such as heart disease or arthritis, sex and intimacy become more challenging. Certain surgeries and many medications, such as blood pressure medications, antihistamines, antidepressants and acid-blocking drugs, can affect sexual function.But don’t give up. You and your partner can experiment with ways to adapt to your limitations. For example, if you’re worried about having sex after a heart attack, talk with your doctor about your concerns. If arthritis pain is a problem, try different sexual positions or try using heat to alleviate joint pain before or after sexual activity. Stay positive and focus on ways of being sexual and intimate that work for you and your partner.Senior sex andemotional issuesAt any age, emotional issues can affect your sexuality. Many older couples report greater satisfaction with their sex life because they have fewer distractions, more time and privacy, and no worries about pregnancy. On the other hand, some older adults feel stressed by health problems, financial concerns and other lifestyle changes. Depression can decrease your desire for and interest in sex. If you feel you might be depressed, talk to your doctor or a counselor.Senior sex tipsSex may not be the same for you or your partner as it was when you both were younger. But sex and intimacy can continue to be a rewarding part of your life. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy and enjoyable sex life:- Talk with your partner. It may be difficult to talk about sex if you grew up viewing it as a taboo subject. But openly talking with your partner about your needs, desires and concerns can help you both enjoy sex and intimacy more.- Visit your doctor. Your doctor can help you manage chronic conditions and medications that affect your sex life. If you have trouble maintaining an erection or reaching orgasm, ask your doctor about medications or other treatments for these problems.- Expand your definition of sex. Intercourse is only one way to have fulfilling sex. Touching, kissing and other intimate sexual contact can be just as rewarding for both you and your partner.- Realise that as you age, it’s normal for you and your partner to have different sexual abilities and needs. Be open to finding new ways to enjoy sexual contact and intimacy.- Adapt your routine.