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Energy efficient tips for beating the summer heat in Bermuda

Stay cool: Using fans to circulate air at home creates a cooler feel at a warmer temperature.

So far for 2012 we have had very mild temperatures. This is good for energy conservation as well as your Belco bill, for between 40 and 50 percent of our annual electricity bills go toward heating and cooling.However, the long hot summer is finally upon us again, and with many of us cranking up our air conditioners in a bid to beat the heat, it is a good time to consider ways in which to do this without sending our electricity bills through the roof.Did you know, for example, that a properly installed high efficiency air conditioner could potentially save you hundreds of dollars each year, depending on your usage?Keeping costs down is easier than you think. In fact, probably the best thing you can do is to use your common sense and reduce your consumption.First, cool as few rooms as possible, use air conditioning only when people are there to appreciate it, and make sure windows and doors are tightly shut while the AC is running.Second, keep rooms shaded from the sun by closing shutters and curtains during the hottest parts of the day.Third, maintain the highest possible set point for your comfort level and use fans to circulate the air, creating a cooler feel at a warmer temperature. Air conditioners with dehumidifier functions can also help cut energy consumption; it takes more energy to cool moist air than dry air.Ultimately, it is good to remember that the best way to save money on air conditioning is not to use it at all. However, this is not always possible during these hot Bermuda summer days. So if you have to turn to AC, then awareness is the key to saving some money.One of the best and most effective ways to increase the efficiency of any air conditioner is proper maintenance and cleaning. AC units should be inspected at least once a year, and filters and coils should be frequently cleaned — monthly if you can. If cutting costs is important to your household, you can have a service technician show you how to properly care for your units.If you own an old or inefficient unit, you may want to consider replacing it. When on the hunt for a new air conditioner, there are a few things you need to consider to make the best purchase. First, let’s demystify the terminology. You may have heard the term British Thermal Units, or BTUs, which has nothing to do with nationality. It is a measure of the amount of energy it takes to heat (or cool) one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. Selecting a unit with the optimal number of BTUs based on the conditions and usage of the space you wish to cool is important, and you can find some good rules of thumb on websites like www.energystar.gov. Note that bigger isn’t always better and the best solution for both your chequebook and your air conditioner’s lifespan is to make sure it’s the right size for your space. An oversized AC unit will use more energy than a correctly sized one. A too-small unit will have to work much harder and burn more kilowatts than one that suits your space.Another thing you should consider is the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) for window units, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) for split systems. These measure efficiency, with higher numbers representing more efficient units. You should aim for an EER over 12 for a window unit, and a SEER of over 18 for a split system. Considering all of these variables and consulting a professional who will thoroughly investigate your cooling needs will save you money in the long run.Many of us think that just by purchasing Energy Star-rated appliances that we’re getting the most efficient ones. Though Energy Star products are generally more efficient than those without the label, there is a great variance between the least efficient and most efficient Energy Star products. The Energy Star label should be your ‘first cut’, and then you should look more closely for the EER or SEER. The most efficient system of all is the one with the highest initial cost. That’s central air conditioning, which is ducted with the condensers located outside.Finally, let’s look at some common myths. It’s not true that all AC systems dehumidify. You may have heard that it’s less expensive to keep your AC running all the time, albeit at a higher temperature when you’re not home. That’s generally not true for most of our homes, but can be true for large-volume spaces, such as office buildings. You may also have heard that AC is healthier for those with allergies. That is true when there is a special HEPA filter on the unit, which is maintained and cleaned on a regular basis. If you just have an ordinary AC system, you may in fact be recirculating the things that make you sneeze and wheeze, like dirt, dust and mould spores. Fresh air is almost always best.When it comes to keeping cool in Bermuda without going over budget, awareness is key.You can find more detailed information on our website, www.energy.gov.bm, or you can contact us at energy@gov.bm.l Jeane Nikolai is Director of the Department of Energy.