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Opposition must always be ready

Renée Webb, a former Member of Parliament for 15 years, is the Senior Adviser to the Bermuda Government and European Union representative in Brussels (Photograph supplied)

Craig Cannonier seemed angry and shell-shocked as he did a round of media last week bemoaning that the election has been called.

It is the Premier’s prerogative to call an election when he sees fit, whether or not the Leader of the Opposition or anyone else disagrees with the timing.

You don’t get to call it, Craig; the Premier does.

Craig’s failure to do simple maths, not understanding that by-elections plus a General Election would cost taxpayers more money than just having a General Election. Also, that having a General Election now allows us to just get on with it as a community, bring the divisiveness to an end, and allow the retirements to happen.

After the election, the newly elected government can focus on the economy and the tough decisions that need to be made to move Bermuda forward.

The job of a political party in Bermuda is to be ready for an election at any time. That an election can be called at any time within a period of five years and three months is good for our democracy.

It keeps parties on their toes and is designed to keep candidates constantly canvassing and connected with the community.

If an election can be called at any time, a political party and budding or existing MPs should be ready and connected to the community.

It is apparent that the One Bermuda Alliance is not ready for an election, and that isn’t the fault of the Progressive Labour Party.

The OBA is responsible for its lack of preparation. It has had years to recruit candidates. It has had years to go door-to-door, call voters and connect with voters in their communities.

It has had opportunities to hold media events, leverage the power of social media and build trust with Bermudians. It failed to do that and it should not be blaming this failure on the PLP or its leader.

Instead of whining and complaining, the OBA needs to buck up, announce candidates, get out on the doorsteps to connect with voters and showcase their leader, Mr Cannonier, who needs to explain his vision for Bermuda and Bermudians.

The OBA needs to stop the whining, get connected to the community and make its case to the voters.

Renée Webb, a former Member of Parliament for 15 years, is the Senior Adviser to the Bermuda Government and European Union representative in Brussels