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Bookstore to turn over a new leaf

Bermuda's largest book store, Bookmart, is to get a face-lift later this year as part of a scheme of rolling improvements to the Phoenix chain of stores.

This is according to George Grundmuller, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Phoenix Group, who said that the Paget Pharmacy would be next on the hit list of stores to be revamped by the group.

The face-lift at Bookmart will include an upgrade of fixtures and fittings to give the store more a feel of a library.

"We have slotted to re-do the bookstore this year," said Mr. Grundmuller. "And next year it will be Paget.

"We believe in reinvesting and having a fresh look in the stores. We will be upgrading the fixtures, fittings and signage." Mr. Grundmuller would not be drawn on the amount of the Bookmart refit, but said it would cost a "substantial" amount. The bookstore has 2,000 members in its readers club and has a great deal of repeat business from this group.

But he said it was time to upgrade and said the new fittings would include more modern lighting which spread the lighting on the shelves as well as light wood shelves "to create a more library feeling". He added: "The bookstore is very successful, and with the addition of on-line shopping, sales have soared."

Mr. Grundmuller added that the bookstore's website, www.bookmart.bm, now accounted for ten percent of the store's turnover.

"It extends our hours of operations it means our customers can have access 24 hours a day, seven days a week," he said.

The service has half a million books on call and the charge to import a book is $4.95 over the cover price.

The Phoenix has a special arrangement with Zip Xpress and delivery normally takes two to three days.

Another hit on the site is an unedited message box which can be attached to each book as a review.

The Bookmart's busiest time is pre-Christmas, but Mr. Grundmuller said that business is steady all year round.

He praised his staff for their dedication, which separated his store from the crowd.

The upgrading of the Bermuda Bookstore around the corner does not have Mr. Grundmuller shaking in his boots.

"We are not worried about competition it is good and keeps us on our toes. As far as I understand, it is going to be smaller because of the coffee shop upstairs. Anyway, we have a very loyal customer base."