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Butterfield fund offer closes this on Friday

Butterfield Bank is reminding Bermuda investors that the Bank's new Butterfield Guaranteed Equity Deposit will be closing on 25 November, 2005.

Offered by the Bank's investment division, Butterfield Asset Management Limited (BAM), the Butterfield Guaranteed Equity Deposit offers the potential for equity market growth and a 100 percent repayment guarantee of investors' deposits, protecting them from any downward market volatility.

Butterfield Equity Deposit only has a six week investment window and after November 25 the fund will close to new investors.

"There has been a significant amount of interest in the Butterfield Guaranteed Equity Deposit and we wanted to remind potential investors in Bermuda that time is running out if they wish to invest their funds," Ian Coulman, Managing Director of BAM said.

"With Butterfield Guaranteed Equity Deposit you can get exposure to the potential growth benefit of equities without worrying about any downward market volatility as your balance is 100 percent guaranteed by Butterfield Bank."

Investments are also subject to a quarterly "Lock-In", which means that any additional balance is also guaranteed and will be payable at maturity on December 12, 2011.

The minimum deposit for the fund is US $10,000. Potential return is linked to a "basket of assets" comprising the performance of three well-known equity indices ? S&P 500, EuroStoxx 50 and FTSE 100 ? and fixed income securities.