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Captain G makes debut

There?s a new superhero in town ? but at one of Bermuda?s banks instead of in the local movie theatres. Capital G has announced the appointment of Captain G ?the superhero of financial services? to the post of corporate mascot.

In a light-hearted Press statement the bank said that Captain G has extensive experience in building company awareness, creating goodwill in the community and inspiring customer loyalty.

James Gibbons, president & CEO of the Gibbons Group said: ?In today?s market, goodwill is job number one. Captain G will steer the course for better community relations and we are looking forward to the increased awareness that will result.?

According to the bank, secondary research suggests that mascots are an established and intelligent component of an effective marketing strategy. For financial services companies, such as banks, they can help increase deposits, generate new customers, and teach good savings habits to children.

?In a market dominated by well-established financial services companies, the new corporate mascot is expected to aid in creating a preference for Capital G for those looking to choose a financial services partner to manage their finances, investments and trust matters,? said Mr. Gibbons