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Former partners sue lawyer

Former UBP Senate Leader, Lynda Milligan-Whyte is being sued by the partners of her previous law firm, Milligan-Whyte & Smith.

Both her ex-husband, John Milligan-Whyte and Orlando Smith have filed writs naming Mrs. Milligan-Whyte as a defendant.

When contacted by The Royal Gazette, neither party to the action would comment on the legal suit or confirm the exact cause of action.

Lynda Milligan-Whyte is listed in Bermuda Who's Who as a member of both the Bermuda and Ontario Bar.

She met her ex-husband John while studying in Canada but the couple divorced in 2001 and last year Mrs. Milligan-Whyte left the partnership to set up her own firm, Lynda Milligan-Whyte & Associates.

At the time, senior partner Orlando Smith said: "We wish Lynda well in her new venture and are not really saying goodbye as she will continue to work from the same Mintflower premises."

The new Lynda Milligan-Whyte's & Associates firm includes three other attorneys, Kevin Bean, former Environment Minister Arthur Hodgson and recent recruit, Michelle St. Jane who was formerly employed in the legal department at Capital G.

Mrs. Milligan-Whyte's is also a defendant in another civil case, as she is also being sued by Gavin Wilson concerning the sale of his shares in Bermuda CableVision five years ago.

The plaintiffs, Mr. Wilson and Bill Craig allege that they were deprived by the misrepresentations of the defendants, including Mrs. Milligan-Whyte, of the full value of the Bermuda Cable Vision shares.

At the time, it is alleged that Mrs. Milligan-Whyte was acting as a director of First Bermuda Securities, a brokerage firm.