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Government is reneging on forum - employers

Government should fulfil its election promise and set up a National Economic Forum made up of business groups and trade unions under their guidance to deal with the difficult times the Island faces, according to the Bermuda Employer's Council.

The economic uncertainty in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks make now the perfect time for the formation of a joint initiative led by the Government, according to Malcolm Dixon, executive director of the council. He said his organisation would fully support the formation of a coalition led by the Government of business organisations and trade unions to help the Island through these difficult economic times.

He pointed to the PLP 1998 election platform magazine in which the party proposed a commission made up of these organisations.

It sates: "We will establish a National Tripartite Commission to bring together the business sector, organised labour and Government as part of a PLP Government's national planning initiative on economic and social policy."

And under the section of "Empowerment and Inclusion", the manifesto states: "There is a limited pool of able people, and it is inefficient to exclude any available resources. We will correct this through a coalition with the business community and the trade unions through the proposed National Tripartite Commission."

Mr. Dixon said that now would be the time to form any such coalition and would help inform the public on what is happening to Bermuda.

He said: "The Bermuda Employers' Council fully supports the formation of a National Economic Forum that the Government proposed in their election manifesto.

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There has never been such an opportune time for such a body to be convened.

"It is a wonderful idea the PLP had before the election and we hope that it will be convened as soon as possible in these difficult times."

Since the attacks many different organisations have set up public meetings to help the public get to grips with a new global economy and a possible recession.

Bermuda International Business Association were the first group to set up a forum to help the public understand events in the wake of the US attacks.

Their well-attended event was the first of a long string of public forums which have been held by the PLP, Bermuda Small Business Development Corporation, Capital G, Bermuda Investment Advisory Services and Ernst and Young and LOM is hosting an event today.

Now the duplication of information at all of these events could be avoided by the formation of a central group which encompassed all of these organisations under a Government umbrella, according to Mr. Dixon.

He said: "All the business groups and trade unions could form, under the Government a coalition to see us through these uncertain times."

He said that the key topics it could include unemployment, management, the economy and economics, tourism, retail, restaurants, construction, general industry, financial institutions and small businesses.

"The message we need to get through is that through a National Economic Forum all the information will be fed into one body, and then the information disseminated to the public. With the meetings being held regularly, a strategic plan can be developed by using the information coming from the feedback from the bodies.

"This way the Bermuda Employer's Council feels that we can overcome the difficult times head - through a unified front with everybody moving in the same direction.

"We certainly hope the Government will convene such a body as we feel it is vitally important."