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Internet Telephony ? it can save you a fortune

ix to seven years ago in Bermuda I began using the Internet to make phone calls, testing out the fledging technology.

Even though the Internet service I signed up to was much cheaper than the regular per minute prices being offered on the Island, I often did not use it due to the frustrations caused by slow speeds, echoes, and interference when connecting.

One would often begin talking over a delay, thinking that the other person had finished a point, resulting in crossed conversations.

At one time I resorted to instructing my first callers to use "Over" whenever they had finished a point, so that I could start speaking.

Now that we are in the second stage of Internet telephony, it's time to seriously consider signing up to a service if you want to save a fortune.

Higher speed lines are making the technology much easier and less frustrating to use. Some companies even supply a USB phone you can plug into your computer, just as if it were a call box.

Here is what you need: a computer, a microphone and headset, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) software and provider, and the highest connection speed you can afford.

In an assessment of six free VoIP services, the UK's Computing Which? magazine ranked Skype () as the top service "for its fuss-free approach, easy set-up and exceptional voice clarity".

Next in line was Sipgate (), MSNMessenger (), followed by Yahoo!Messenger (http://messenger.yahoo.com/) and GoogleTalk (). Yahoo! Messenger was commended for providing some of the best ranges of features, including the option of landline calls, webcam chats, instant messaging,voicemail and conference calls.

"Using your PC as a phone can be so cheap ? often even free ? that pricey landline and mobile bills could be in danger of becoming extinct, said Computing Which? With mobile phone services entering the broadband market, VoIP looks set to be the choice of the future."

Sony has the blues, which means hardcore gamers and kid-pleasing parents probably will not be able to pick up the latest Playstation 3 this year.

The company said it will launch PS3 in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Australia in March 2007, not 17 November this year as previously announced.

It will also halve the number of consoles that will be available to Japan and the US this year to two million from four million units.

The supply shortage stems from problems in mass producing the blue laser diodes used for the display. Last month the company was hit by revelations that it had produced lithium ion batteries that overheated and were labelled fire hazards.

The discovery led Dell and Apple to make massive recalls of products in August.

So much for Sony. Expect mass firings soon as Christmas shoppers turn to the Microsoft's Xbox and Nintendo's GameCubeto fulfil their gaming obsessions.

According to the Yankee Group video game consoles are becoming the latest platforms for distributing digital products.

For example the Playstation can also do duty as a portable music and movie player.

Could they end up competing with cell phones or personal digital assistants (such as the Blackberry), as the portable platform we end up using?

It's an intriguing thought. Babble.net came off as a poor service, due to its poor help files and software bugs, the magazine stated.

Everyone wonders if they are being paid the going market rate for their services.

Now you can check. Career Journal has made the average salary information for most US jobs, whether in IT or elsewhere, available on the Internet.

For example the site shows that the compensation offered if you are a Microsoft certified professional has climbed quite a bit. A Microsoft Certified Professional for Windows 2000 was earning on average $63,859 in 2005 as a base salary, compared to $49,900in 2004.

For those certified for Windows 2003, the salary went to $66,062 from $53,600.

Those who achieved Microsoft Certified Database Administrator, SQL 7 status saw their salaries rise to $80,109 from $67,600.

IT professionals working in web security also received a pay hike, probably due to the increased importance companies are putting on protecting their assets.

Salaries for those in web security went to $90,000 in 2005 from $78,000.

Meanwhile product management professionals in the technology sector suffered in 2005. Salaries stated static and bonuses fell for them. Still they were not starving.

They earned on average $101,572 in 2005,about $1,000 less than they were a year before.

Read it and weep, or rejoice whether you are a highflying executive or struggling to get there.

Go to Career Journal at www.careerjournal.com.