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Minister says he?ll produce a Green Paper on e-commerce

Government is modernising electronic transactions law and will eventually issue a new Green Paper on telecommunications to keep pace with data and child protection practices worldwide.

Telecommunications and E-Commerce minister Michael Scott said this week the Progressive Labour Party government may also consider changes to the Telecommunications Act of 1986.

Mr. Scott said the modernisation comes on the heels of a series of meetings ? which he convened ? of industry specialists in October to discuss ?current regulation and legislation and discuss the competitive telecommunications marketplace in light of convergence and other issues?.

?Our focus is on developing viable and integrated strategies that will contribute to the sustainability not only of the technology environment but also make an impact on the economic empowerment and opportunities for Bermudians over the long term,? Mr. Scott explained.

?Since the publication of the E-Business Green Paper ? in May 2003 ? we have reviewed and refined our objectives to reflect the changing e-business landscape,? he continued. ?We are confident that updates to the Electronic Transaction Act along with forthcoming data protection and child protection legislation will improve the regulatory and legislative environment.?

E-business, Mr. Scott said, had developed into security, disaster recovery, business continuity and customer relationship sub-fields and new and revised legislation ought to reflect these changes.

He added: ?Our focus is to work with the local ICT (Information Communication and Technology) companies and support them primarily with an appropriate legislative environment.

?The telecommunications infrastructure plays a great role in the e-business landscape. We plan to use the results of the Consultation to draft a Green Paper which will ultimately serve as guidelines for the telecommunications sector for the next 15 years.?

?We believe that additional e-business ventures are more attracted to Bermuda when they can see successful examples of business technology performing optimally on the island.

?That?s why we are focusing our attention getting the landscape and environment right.?

He said one of the reasons why international business continues to locate in Bermuda is because of a sophisticated skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

?We must continue to provide opportunities for technology skills acquisition for the sustainability of Bermuda and Bermudians.?

The Ministry is also examining workforce requirements ? and opportunities. It is also consulting with educators and the business community and Mr. Scott expects to share its data with the industry to map a strategy.

Mr. Scott explained: ?If we encourage and promote the business community?s efforts in adopting technology applications and practices, so must we as a government, walk the talk.?

Mr. Scott also took the opportunity to tout the Government Portal, www.gov.bm which is currently seeing more than 1,200 separate visitors per day, using such features as booking appointments at the Transport Control Department, and filing e-tax and land tax.

Mr. Scott said ? with pride ? that Government Ministers and senior civil servants communicate through a secure system with digital certificates, adding ?we are in the process of building the government certificate authority?.

Mr. Scott added: ?We also initiated an IT apprenticeship programme and have provided free public access to computers and the Internet through out Web Point programme.?