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My portfolio: William Woods

W. William Woods is the former chief executive of the Bermuda Stock Exchange and is now Entrepreneur in Residence at an internet incubator, eVenture.

Do you do your own investing?

Most of my savings go into managed funds. A keep a small amount that I can afford to lose for "play investing".

What was the best investment you ever made?

I am a closet gold bug, my gold stocks have done very well recently.

What was the worst investment you ever made?

Worst has to Bre-x Minerals. That went all the way to zero. It was a gold mining scam based in Canada. These days they sell the share certificates, they became so infamous.

How would you describe your portfolio?

It's 95% conservative - a fair amount of blue chip stocks. I have some capital protected bonds which have a guaranteed principal and a coupon that can be linked to the market of your choice. HSBC are the people doing well with those. I also have one fund of hedge fund investments that has not been doing too badly. It's a hedge fund which specifically reduces volatility.

Did you ever invest in tech stocks?

Yes - I put my money where my mouth was and got hammered!

General advice?

If I say "buy" everyone else should get out!