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Stewart's new book looks at Island's past successes and future promise

Photo by Tony CordeiroA good read: Bob Stewart and his new book.

Bermuda is and has been one of the most successful places in the world - but will it hold on to this distinction?

This is the question posed by Robert Stewart's most recent book entitled `The Economy of Bermuda'.

Mr. Stewart is a former chief executive of the Shell Group of companies in Bermuda and describes himself as a "failed politician" having run for office without success in the 1998 election.

He says that the book explores his view that low taxation, non-corrupt government and the freedom for people to use their own skills and initiative, as well as its location just off the most prosperous part of the globe, account for much of Bermuda's successes.

But it also looks into the possibility that interventionism, higher taxes and allegations of corruption in high places may threaten Bermuda's stellar economic performance.

Mr. Stewart is a no holds barred critic of the present government so the new book could have won a prize as the most inappropriate Christmas present to give to a PLP politician.

But it will not be appearing in bookstores until the new year at which time the Royal Gazette will give a full review of Mr. Stewart's latest, and no doubt most controversial work to date.