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Three years in power

When the PLP came to power three years ago, a wave of fear swept through part of the business community.

Scare stories about racial quotas being set and heavy handed restrictions on work permits were just some of the fears that surfaced.

A mass exodus of international business was a worst-case scenario and now famous letters like "Expat CEO" talking about "knuckle sandwiches" and Government red tape swamping business did nothing to help matters.

Word spread about heated meetings with heads of business and ministers, with confrontations and misunderstandings across the board.

But this all seems a long time ago now, and most of the hot issues at the time have died a death, and a greater understanding seems to have prevailed of sides of the fence.

And while most of the world's business communities are not generally pro-Labour, there now appears to be a truce between the PLP and business leaders, rubbing along with varying degrees of success.

As Premier Jennifer Smith said yesterday at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, "Government is not stupid. We enjoy the standard of living we have in Bermuda" - a sentiment shared across all segments of Bermuda.