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Belco changing the way it bills, interacts with customers

Deal done: Mr. A.L. Vincent Ingham, Belco president & CEO and Mr. Jeff Bender, CEO of Harris Computer Systems.

Bermuda Electric Light Company has signed a contract with a customer information system provider that will transform how customers interact and communicate with Belco - starting sometime in the latter part of 2008.

Changes will be seen in the way bills and accounts are provided, and how internet payments can be made direct to Belco, as well as in a number of other areas.

Cayenta, a subsidiary of Harris Computer Systems, a leading provider of customer information systems utility companies, has teamed up with Belco to implement a new, state-of-the-art platform.

"Providing customers with excellent service is a major goal of ours at Belco. Our present customer information and billing system is no longer supported by the company from which it was purchased and its functionality is not optimal.

"Belco has therefore evaluated the aging status of the existing platform and has decided to replace it with the more flexible, cost-effective and comprehensive Cayenta option," said Damon Wade, customer services manager.

"The new customer information and billing system will provide customers with on-line access to their accounts and facilitate payments via the internet.

It will also enable us to respond to customer questions and requests more quickly.

"For our employees, the increased functionality, improved business processes and the higher level of integration with other business systems, will tremendously enhance their ability to serve our customers."

The new technology handles most of the interfaces with customers, including meter reading entries, billing, payment, queries, trends, analysis, credit and information.

"The result, according to the company, will be a strengthening of Belco's customer service team in terms of its responsiveness and effectiveness.