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BSX below 5,000

The Royal Gazette / Bermuda Stock Exchange dropped back below the 5,000 mark after $1,677,649 work of shares were traded leaving the Exchange 39.07 points lower at 4,986.36.

Butterfield Bank shares lost 1.3 percent of their value, ending the day 75 cents cheaper at $57.25 after 28,884 were traded.

In the transportation sector Bermuda Container Line moved up 95 cents (6.8 percent) to end the day at $14.95 after 200 shares were traded.

Another upward mover was Belco as 200 shares were traded to improve the closing price by $1 (4.3 percent) at $24.00.

Moving in the opposite direction KeyTech saw its share value lower by 95 cents (5.8 percent) after 1,000 were traded on the Exchange.

The total number of Bermuda shares traded was 30,284, while 107 US shares valued at $1,920.65 were also traded during the day.