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BSX is happy to be ranked so high

BSX CEO Greg Wojciechowski

The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) has expressed its delight at Bermuda being listed in the top 33 global financial centres for value and volume of shares traded.

The Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) report, which is published by the City of London and written by Z/Yen Group, puts Hamilton 33rd, with a total of $12 million shares traded during the month of October 2007 according to statistics released by the World Federation of Exchanges.

Top of the pile are the likes of New York and London with $4.6 trillion and $627 billion respectively, closely followed by Tokyo and Paris on respective figures of $554 billion and $547 billion.

Greg Wojciechowski, president and CEO of the BSX, said he was satisfied his exchange was included with such distinguished company.

"On balance, I would like to express our delight that we are ranked in the same league as the larger exchanges and that our lesser competitors didn't make the table," he said.

"It is where we should be positioning ourselves - we are a small market on a big stage."

Over the past five years, the volume of shares and share value traded on the BSX has increased steadily, from approximately 2.8 million shares worth $50.8 million in 2003 to 6.4 million shares totalling $170.5 million last year.

The report, which ranks financial centres based on external benchmarking data and current perceptions of competiveness, reflects the inputs of financial services repsondents and professionals around the world are encouraged to participate in the online survey.

To take part in the survey, visit the GFCI website at http://www.zyen.com/Activities/On-line%20surveys/GFCI.htm and click 'Take Survey'.