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Insurers boost BSX

The Royal Gazette / Bermuda Stock Exchange Index registered a half-percent rise last week, thanks largely to rises of share values in the insurance sector.

BF&M Ltd. was the second biggest riser on the exchange, climbing 50 cents (2.58 percent) to reach a 52-week high of $20, as 9.480 of its shares traded.

Fellow insurer Argus Group Holdings Ltd. will start this week hovering just 10 cents below its year high after its share price rose five cents (0.34 percent) last week to close on $14.90, as 10,195 Argus shares changed hands.

Butterfield Bank also managed a rise as more than 140,000 of its shares were traded. The Bank's shares rose 15 cents (0.79 percent) in value to reach $19.10.

The biggest jump in share value last week came for Bermuda Container Line Ltd. BCL rose 2.74 percent on the trading of 1,100 shares, to close the week on $15.

Belco fell 2.33 percent to $21.

BSX turnover totalled just over $3 million and volume just shy of 163,000 shares. The Index closed up 25.48 points at 5,006.72.