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This Week in Bermuda set to relaunch with a new look

Leading the revamp: Scott Hill, of the tourism publication This Week in Bermuda, which is set to be relaunched next April.

One of Bermuda's oldest and most famous tourist information magazines is set to relaunch in April next year.

This Week in Bermuda, which started out in 1931, was set for the scrap heap last month before current marketing and advertising manager Scott Hill stepped in to save it.

Mr. Hill has already set about the task of revamping the fine and traditional publication, which, following its first issue released by Bermuda Press (Holdings) Ltd. in 1947, celebrated its 60th anniversary this year.

"They were considering closing it down," said Mr. Hill. "October was the last publication and then talks started and my name was mentioned and through discussions and my passion about art and for the magazine to be relaunched, we were pushed forward to where we are today.

"I've been very lucky to be the spearhead of the design of the whole look and how we are going to get it to the visitors and locals. And we are going to hire aspiring young Bermudians to make it."

Mr. Hill intends to be at the cutting edge of tourism in Bermuda, with his team of willing helpers on the ground handing out copies of the magazine to tourists arriving in cruise ship docks and airport arrival lounges across the Island.

Having previously worked for Preview Bermuda magazine and Bermuda.com, Mr. Hill is well-versed in how to put together a successful publication, with an emphasis on promoting the country's companies and businesses.

"The reason we are doing this relaunch is that people need information and it now allows companies in Bermuda to be properly showcased," he said.

"I want to give advertisers as much visibility as possible and we are going to highlight certain clients in Bermuda once a month."

Among just some of the innovative and new ideas he has come up with for the magazine are a section on restaurants, dining and going out entitled 'Your table is ready', focusing on such things as local eateries and chef of the month (an interview with a chef with photographs), a what's on guide called 'Talk of the Rock', looking at the latest activities and things to do, and a fact-file on accommodation and fractional ownership, aimed at top resorts and how to own your part of The Rock, as well as a regular pull-out map inside, with appeal to visitors and local residents alike.

Other excerpts it is set to include are a part on the history of Bermuda, formed of an archive section and a spotlight on such things as shipwrecks and the New Face of Hamilton, featuring the latest on the redevelopments taking shape in the city centre.

Mr. Hill is also seeking to give a wide coverage to Bermuda's thriving artist community, such as painters and photographers, of which he is one himself.

"I know a lot of the artists in Bermuda and I am into photography myself," he said.

"It allows people who are just arriving on the Island to go to their hotel and then to look in the magazine and find out who is being showcased. The other areas are shopping and we are going to have a business on the month.

"It just allows these companies that are not necessarily large companies to be showcased and the hard-working Bermudian entrepreneurs have a opportunity to be highlighted in the magazine."

This Week in Bermuda will be headed by managing director Horst Augustinovic, with Peter Marsh as creative director involved in the design of the product and it will be printed by Bermuda Press.

"It's all about fun and it is just a way of welcoming people to Bermuda," he said. "It allows the kids to do this for a summer job and to get in some income to save for school.

"It will give them the confidence to start talking to people and get an insight into what marketing is all about. Bermuda tourism is also very excited about this opportunity and they are totally behind us."

Mr. Hill said was one his biggest inspirations was to have a magazine which is easy to pick up, access and get ready to digest information from.

"When I first came on board, I looked at this magazine and it needed to be fresh, clean and informative and it needs to encompass everything about the Island," he said.

"So we are using tall display casing, good visuals to get some more readers on board. It was really my own feeling that something needed to be done because from my past experiences I do a lot of investigation of what the competition is doing and what we can offer that is unique.

"We have the legacy in that we have been around for 60-odd years and these small little things are we are doing are really what people want to see in Bermuda.

"I fell very confident that we have increased our distribution up to 150 places in Bermuda, whereas originally it was under 100, so the advertisers will get more visibility and value for money.

"We have now got probably about 1,000 clients and the feedback is so important - we are definitely open to new ideas and if it is valid we will include it.

"There has never been a tourist magazine that looks like this - it will stand out on its own and we are pulling out all the stops on this."

To contribute or submit any information to the magazine email info[AT]thisweekinbermuda.bm