Airline review is underway
Tourism Minister David Dodwell yesterday said: "We are doing an airlines review along the lines of our cruise ship review.'' A committee had been formed and had met three times to date, he continued.
It is being chaired by Tourism marketing committee member Terry West who was also the chairman on the cruise policy review committee.
Airport Operations manager Jack Gordon, Civil Aviation director Herman Tucker, assistant Tourism marketing director Pat Phillip-Bassett, Bermuda Hotel Association executive officer John Harvey, Airport technical officer Ernie Roberts and Tourism representative Aaron Adderley make up the rest of the committee.
International business will be represented on the committee in due course, added Mr. Dodwell.
Mr. Dodwell said it was important to note that Bermuda did not hold the same influence over airlines that it did over cruise ships.
The relationship between airlines and the Island was kept healthy through cooperative marketing and ongoing communication which kept everyone involved updated.
The airlines would be active in the discussions with the committee as would local stake holders, he noted.
He said the committee was focusing on Bermuda's gateway cities, charters, marketing and pricing to see what is happening in the industry and how it impacts on the Island.
Once changes that need to be made are determined, he continued, they would be implemented for next season.