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Although Bermuda Electric Light Company crews had to retrieve some 97 kites from power lines around the Island over the Easter weekend, that figure was

Ms Linda Smith, Belco communications officer, said there were two major power outages on Good Friday -- one in the St. John's Road, Pembroke area, and a second in Camp Hill, Southampton.

Other outages were reported on Pitts Bay Road in Pembroke, Fractious Street in Hamilton Parish and in Prospect, Devonshire, but all were minor disruptions.

"We retrieved a total of 58 kites on Good Friday, 32 on Saturday and seven on Sunday,'' she said.

"This was way down from previous years because I can remember past Easters when we retrieved between 160 and 170 kites.

"I'm sure the weather on Friday had a lot to do with it, but Saturday and Sunday were absolutely beautiful and we received fewer calls to retrieve kites on those days than we did on Friday.

"People are obviously heeding the message to be wary of power lines when they are flying their kites.''