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American plans dinner cruise for 20th anniversary

September 8, 1995. And to commemorate the occasion, the company has planned a dinner cruise tonight for travel agents, American airlines staff and retirees.

General manager Mrs. Carole DeCouto said: "It's a way of thanking people who have given American Airlines the business and support throughout the last 20 years.'' As well, American has printed up special golden seals citing the airlines 20th anniversary in Bermuda, which will be used on all outgoing mail.

Several banners and congratulatory signs are also posted at the American Airlines ticket office and the airport check-in counters, noted Mrs. DeCouto.

Finally, the company has asked The Royal Gazette to publish this special section to celebrate 20 years of American Airlines service in Bermuda. PHOTO TOP GUN -- American Airlines general manager Mrs. Carole DeCouto has been with the world class airline since it was set up in Bermuda in 1975.