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Bank considers secondary listing

listing of its common shares on an overseas stock exchange, possibly in the US. The bank said it was "investigating various options to enhance the marketability'' of its common shares which are presently only listed on the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

ENGRAVERS TO COMPETE FOR PRINT JOBS BUC Engravers to compete for print jobs Engravers Ltd. is starting up Chameleon Digital Press at the Church Street Mall, in the Gibbons Building. The business will compete for short run personalised print jobs with Print Express and Paperhouse.

Jeffrey Patterson, plant manager of Engravers' new operation, said the company digital press was the first of its type on the island, able to convert computer documents into four-colour press printed material on demand. The digital press cost $500,000. Chameleon plans on charging between $1 to $3 per sheet of printed material.

"We are going after the business sector and tourism industry,'' Mr. Patterson said. The operation will have three staff.

Engravers is the third largest printing press operation in Bermuda, behind Bermuda Press Ltd., which owns Print Express, and Island Press Ltd., which owns Paperhouse.

BERMUDA MARKETING SELLS MAGAZINES BUC NJ Bermuda Marketing sells magazines Bermuda Marketing Ltd. has sold two of its magazines, Bermuda Homes & Gardens, and Parenting in Bermuda, to a group of investors incorporated as Salt Kettle Publishing Ltd.

The Royal Gazette sub-editor Steve Mundy, Bermuda Sun editor Tom Vesey, Karen Simmonds, Kim Carter and Total Home Ltd. are the principals behind the Salt Kettle venture. Bermuda Homes & Gardens publishes six times a year and has a circulation of 5,000.

Mr. Mundy will become managing editor of the publications on July 14 after leaving his job at The Royal Gazette . Salt Kettle has hired Heidi Pengelly, formerly of Bermuda Marketing, as director of marketing and sales.

"I'm looking forward to expanding the editorial scope of Homes & Gardens while retaining the distinct character that has made it such a success for the past 10 years,'' Mr. Mundy said in a press release.

Mr. Mundy, 39, is a Canadian who has worked at The Royal Gazette for the past 12 years, first as a senior reporter, then as sub-editor.

Group Publisher Ian Coles of Bermuda Marketing Ltd. was unavailable for comment. The company publishes Bermuda Magazine, Bermuda Business Who's Who, New Residents Guide to Bermuda. It also produces the video The Bermuda Channel, which is shown in local hotels.

COMPANY ENTERS INTERNET AGE BUC Company enters Internet age The Bermudian Publishing Co. is getting into the Internet age. The company has advertised for a cyber savvy "New Media Co-ordinator'' to fill the role.

"We feel that the future is not just in the print media but in the electronic media as well and want to take advantage of some of the opportunities'' publisher Kevin Stevenson said.

The hired person will be responsible for putting the company's publications on the Internet and for developing other electronic services. The company publishes The Bermudian, Bermuda Business, Bermuda Cruise Magazine, This Week In Bermuda and the Bermuda Business Directory.

NAT SEARCHING FOR EMPLOYEES BUC NAT searching for employees North Atlantic Telecommunications (NAT), the company which will compete in the Hamilton market with the Bermuda Telephone Co. Ltd., is on the lookout for staff as the company gears up to begin operations.

NAT advertised in The Royal Gazette yesterday for the key positions of a general manager, a sales manager, and a controller. NAT will compete with the Bermuda Telephone Co. in the provision of local telephone and data services in Hamilton under a deal forged between the Bermuda Electric Light Co. Ltd.

(BELCO) and Cable & Wireless PLC.

Currently BELCO is laying a fibre optic cable system in Hamilton through its underground network. BELCO Holdings Ltd., the electric utility's parent, has bought a majority stake in NAT. Cable & Wireless has also bought a stake in the company, founded by Kenneth DeFontes of DeFontes Broadcasting Ltd., and Barry Kayes of Electronic Communications Ltd.

BELCO will provide the network and technical muscle on a contract basis to NAT, while Cable & Wireless will provide the telecommunications expertise. The company plans to begin operations before the end of the year. The company plans on eventually employing up to 12 staff.

BOND ISSUE APPROVED FOR LISTING BUC Bond issue approved for listing The Bermuda Hospitals Board 8% bond issue, denominated in Bermuda or US dollars, has been approved for listing on The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX). Trading will begin on June 30.

The $14 million offering was fully subscribed. The Hospitals Board issued the bond to provide long term financing for the new surgical wing at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. The first interest payment will be made on December 31.