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BDC files writ against Southampton Princess

The company at the centre of the cell phone controversy has filed a writ against the hotel that halted construction of one of its towers.

Bermuda Digital Communications has challenged the Southampton Princess because the hotel's owners Canadian Pacific served notice at the end of April terminating the lease agreement with BDC.

That move came after hotel employees complained to general manager Norm Mastalir about safety fears.

Neighbourhood residents have formed Communities Against Radiation Emissions and are organising a boycott of the firm which operates CellularOne cellular network.

The tower construction site at Faraway in Warwick, is just yards away from accommodations for Princess staff.

Opponents against the tower have lobbied against the tower complaining it could emit cancer-causing radiation waves.

The Island's 38 telecommunications towers are being evaluated by an overseas expert who will make recommendations about the potential risks if any, associated with the towers.

BDC is being represented by Conyers, Dill, and Pearman while the hotel is being represented by Appleby, Spurling, and Kempe lawyer Jai Pachai.

Mr. Pachai is abroad this week but has said the dispute "will end up in the Supreme Court''.

BDC general manager Michael Leverock was unavailable for comment last night and has remained silent throughout the cell tower controversy.