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BSX falls prey to Millennium bug: Officials assure problem will be fixed by

The Bermuda Stock Exchange's daily trade report has fallen prey to the Millennium bug.BSX yesterday assured it would be repaired by Monday and that the mainframe system overall is Y2K compliant.

The Bermuda Stock Exchange's daily trade report has fallen prey to the Millennium bug.

BSX yesterday assured it would be repaired by Monday and that the mainframe system overall is Y2K compliant.

Two items in The Royal Gazette Daily Trade Report have been reading 1900 instead of 2000.

According to the report listings for the dividend pay out for Watlington Waterworks was 1/1 7/1900. BF&M dividend is quoted with a pay out date of 1/1 4/1900.

A spokesperson for the BSX said it was aware of the problem and trying to find a solution.

"The BSX is currently in the process of implementing a new, Y2K-compliant Royal Gazette Daily Trade report. The new software, which is now being tested, should be up and running by Monday, December 13. In the meantime the Exchange is relying on their original system, which as your readers have noted, is not registering dividend information with a year 2000 date. As a result certain dividend payments are showing due 1900! The error is a result of the date-line on the report not being Y2K compliant, and the machine thinking it is the year 1900 instead of 2000. This is the problem faced by all computers, and ones that are Y2K compliant are not supposed to do this.

BSX Corporate Communications manager, Joanne MacPhee, said in a letter to the editor: "In response to Hester's (gossip column) comments in the Thursday 9th edition of The Royal Gazette , I would like to take this opportunity to reassure your readers that the Bermuda Stock Exchange is indeed ready for Y2K! "We are confident that out mission critical systems will function effectively after the turn of the century.'' Last month the BSX shut down completely for a day because of a systems failure.

No trading took place on November 9, 1999 after computers failed while technicians were upgrading the system.

However, this was the first time the systems had failed since a new system BEST (Bermuda Electronics Securities Trading system) was installed last December.