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Business Calendar

"Investors' Radio Show'', every Tuesday at 5.15 p.m. on ZFB 1230. Sponsored by the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

Insurance Broadcast System programming, on VSB television (channel 11, cable 4) 1-2 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and Sundays 8-10 a.m.

Mediation, the Alternative, Keren Lomas, Oct 27, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Advanced Budgeting and Forecasing Techniques, October 27 and 28, Bermuda Employers' Council. 295-5070.

IQPC Funding Catastrophe Protection, October 27-29, Chicago. 1-800-882-8684.

Your Image and You, an image building workshop for women, The Raven Group, Oct. 31. 295-1798.

Holistic Health, Debbie Gwilliam, November 5, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Insurance Induction Seminar for Affiliated Professionals, Bermuda Insurance Institute, October 28 and Nov. 4; November 10 and Nov. 18, fax 295-3532.

Captive Insurance Today, The Bermuda Insurance Institute, 9-12.30. fax: 295-3532.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Martha Kirkland, November 3, 4 and 5, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Employment Practices Liability, Bermuda Insruance Institute, 10-2. fax: 295-3532.

Preparing for the Real-Time Internet Economy, forum by Forrester Research, November 5-6, Boston, 617-806-6025.

Change Management, Maria Thacker, November 10, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Top Notch Telephone Techniques, Leil Lowndes, November 12, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Insurers' Uses of E-Commerce, A.M. Best Co., November 16-17, Boston, 908-439-2200 ext. 5818.

Wealth Creation, Ingrid McKenna, November 17, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Selling with Style, Diane DiResta, November 17 and 18, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Exceeding Customer Expectations, Terry Carson, November 17 and 18, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Successful Training Techniques, Diane DiResta, November 18, 19, and 20, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Diversity in the Workplace for Managers, November 19, Bermuda Employers' Council, 295-5070.

Wealth Creation, Ingrid McKenna, November 19, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Whole Person Wellness, Lise Baldwin, November 24, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Balancing Family and Work, Lise Baldwin, November 26, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Setting Goals for the New Millennium, Patti Daly, December 3, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

IBC's 4th Annual Executive Forum on Captives, December 7-9, Westin Casuarina Resort, Grand Cayman, 508-804-5434.

Steps Toward Setting up a New Business, William Spriggs, December 15, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Steps Toward Home Ownership, Jill Brackstone, December 17, noon, Chamber of Commerce, 295-4201.

Quantitative analyses of key industry trends, talk by Fred Marcon chairman, president and chief executive officer of the Insurance Services Office, January 12, New York, 212-898-6610.