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Construction sector shows strong 3Q activity

Statistics for the third quarter of 1999 indicate that the construction industry remains strong -- but is only moderately helping to alleviate the housing squeeze.

More than $35 million was spent on construction in the third quarter, but the majority of building can be attributed to projects in the private sector.

A total of $14.7 million was spent on offices, shops and warehouses this quarter -- down from last year's numbers of $15.7 million.

Renovations at the Bank of Bermuda, the Exel House project, and the Ace Insurance development were the major sites of activity.

According to Government's Quarterly Bulletin on Statistics, the private sector accounted for roughly 82 percent of construction in this year's third quarter.

The private sector invested $29.4 million on construction this quarter, whereas Government spent $6.4 million.

Government spending on construction for this quarter was down from $9.5 million spent last year and $18.5 million spent in 1997.

And more than $7 million was spent on industrial plant and other similar construction projects -- up dramatically from $200,000 spent this time last year, $100,000 spent during the third quarter of 1997, and a negligible amount spent in 1996.

But the amount of money spent on residential construction decreased from $5.7 million third quarter last year to $4 million this year.

There was a total of 36 residential units added -- up from 35 units this time last year.

There was a marked increase in the number of two-bedroom units added to the pool during 1999's third quarter -- 13 new units were available, versus seven new units this time last year.

Nine new three-bedroom units were added, which was down from last year's third quarter numbers of 13 units.

And only one studio apartment was added to the pool, versus three units last year.