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Former Bank of Bermuda President Mr. Donald Lines begins a new career today,

Behind him, he leaves the pressures of a job in which his keen insight and no-nonsense approach built an unparalleled financial empire -- at least, unparalleled by Bermuda standards.

His legacy will stretch further than the wide, international branches that we know today to be the Bank of Bermuda. That legacy will include the new $470-million company, Bermuda Home, controversy and all. It will be a company that he has estimated will earn a surprising $4.5 million in net income annually.

Mr. Lines computed that it could mean as much as a 15 percent return on investment.

Soon to be in his new office at 73 Front Street, 1600 square feet of space, he turns his attention to a career in which he has always had an interest.

The man largely responsible for the Bank of Bermuda's dramatic growth said: "I'm interested in building businesses. I don't mean starting new ones, but taking troubled ones and turning them around.

"I don't want too many of them. I would like to be able to concentrate on a few. It is something that I have a natural inclination to do. This is a career I will be doing for fun.'' However, it's unlikely he will devote any less energy.

He remains managing director of Bermuda Management Holdings, a company that controls Bermuda Computer Services and Masters Ltd.

He sees the computer industry changing and wants to make a contribution. He believes a number of fresh opportunities in the industry are waiting to be fulfilled.

Working with friends and partners, Mr. Lines will have to divide his time between business and other interests. A lot of his energy has already been pledged to the committee that is currently overseeing the National Sports Centre and its development.

"We will need a lot of time for that,'' he said, "Probably too much time in the short term, but I'm committed.'' He has also been asked to join international boards for certain mutual funds.

He has been involved in many of them over the last 20 years.

Mr. Lines appeared to take offence when a reporter from another publication stated that he had a reputation for being a "bully''.

The father of eight was quick to point out: "I have never been a bully. It is the antithesis of what I believe in. But I would always go after something to get it done. I don't see that as being a bully.'' He admits to being relieved that he is retiring and has no regrets.

`I won't have those day to day worries. They really wear you down.

"You lose your sense of humour. I'm hoping to get that back.

"I'm not going to miss the bank at all. I'll only miss the people.

"It's 24 hours a day. It is demanding and difficult in terms of your health.

You don't have the kind of time you want for your family.'' Mr. Donald Lines.