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MP's land taken over

Labour Party MP Lois Browne Evans.Now Gibbons Deposit Company can sell the house, near Loyal Hill in Devonshire, after it was renovated for sale by Mrs. Browne Evans.

Labour Party MP Lois Browne Evans.

Now Gibbons Deposit Company can sell the house, near Loyal Hill in Devonshire, after it was renovated for sale by Mrs. Browne Evans.

Mrs. Browne Evans said: "They are taking possession of the house -- they got possession and they can now sell it to get the money.'' She said she bought the house and renovated it as a business venture -- but was unable to get the $500,000 asking price.

Mrs. Browne Evans said market conditions were unfavourable compared to former years.

She added: "There was a time you could speculate, but not any more. I won't speculate any more.''