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NLP voices concerns over Airport Dump

to look into the environmental impact of dumping garbage at the Airport, a practice which he said was, "if not already problematic had the potential of having disastrous consequences in the future''.

Mr. Jeffers statement was made after a visit to the East End dump during which he noticed car batteries, recyclable items and engines containing oil which he feared would end up in the ocean.

"While at the dump, we saw paint cans that will probably be dumped into the ocean,'' said Mr. Jeffers, who pointed out that six loads arrived at the dump during his visit, "and at no time did we see an inspector''.

"The Airport waste disposal facility is an eyesore and may be seen from the air by residents and visitors arriving and departing as well as the boating public,'' Mr. Jeffers said.

"The NLP is calling for a serious policy review on our handling of this type of waste. "We wonder if the cause or a contributor to the cause of the mysterious death of a large number of fish recently found in the ocean around Bermuda is our own waste disposal site.'' POLITICS PTL ENVIRONMENT ENV