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has just celebrated its 15th anniversary on the Island. In less than two decades it has gone from a handful of employees writing insurance for a handful of companies to a billion dollar global corporation with nearly 8,000 employees world- wide, with multiple lines of insurance. In the 15 years it has broadened its spectrum of insurance, always looking for gaps in the market and moving in. A major milestone for the company was when it floated on the New York Stock Exchange in 1993, getting the ticker symbol ACL. Then in 1995, began the globalisation, the buying up of companies including over half of London-based Lloyd's managing agency Methuen Underwriting. This was shortly followed by the acquisition of Tempest Re in 1996, then Westchester Fire Insurance Company in 1998 and later that year Lloyd's-based Tarquin Ltd, giving the company 9.3 percent of the total underwriting capacity at Lloyd's.

Full story on Pages 40 and 41