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Record crowds at third BIBA Expo

Week & Expo 2000 on Saturday. The event, held in the City Hall car park,

Week & Expo 2000 on Saturday. The event, held in the City Hall car park, saw more than 40 companies take up booths as part of a week-long schedule of activities aimed at improving links between international business and the community.

The Expo, which started in 1997 as an annual fair, and became biennial in 1998, has seen its sponsors increase by 2/3 since its inauguration. In the first year, in 1997 the event attracted 6,000 visitors, but in 1998, torrential rains forced early closure and only 3,000 made it before the rains came.

Record crowds at Expo The Expo was not held last year as it now only happens every two years.

The sweltering heat inside the tented area in the carpark did not dissuade the thousands from touring the booths.

"It has been wonderful,'' said Duane Dill, Chairman of Bermuda International Business Association's Marketing Committee. "We have had more than double the amount of people we had last year, and there was a greater cross section of the wider community.'' Favourite stands included the petting zoo for children and the two Cyber Cafe's in the area.

There were also banks, accounting firms, law firms and insurance companies as well as advertising agencies, real estate companies, educational institutions and the police service.