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Smith to open UK conference

to give the UK's Overseas Territories a stronger voice in Britain, it was revealed yesterday.Ms Smith will start discussions on constitutional issues at the inaugural two-day meeting of the Overseas Territories Consultative Council in London tomorrow.

to give the UK's Overseas Territories a stronger voice in Britain, it was revealed yesterday.

Ms Smith will start discussions on constitutional issues at the inaugural two-day meeting of the Overseas Territories Consultative Council in London tomorrow.

UK Foreign Secretary Robin Cook will attend, as well as Overseas Development Minister George Foulkes, Treasury Economic Secretary Melanie Johnson MP and and Transport Parliamentary Secretary Chris Mullen MP.

A Government spokesman said: "Her presentation will set the stage for general debate on constitutional review, roles of Governors, Ministers and Opposition, electoral reform, accountability, a Bill of Rights and the operation of the legislature and parliamentary procedures.'' Foreign Office Minister for the Overseas Territories Baroness Elizabeth Scotland said: "This forum will allow the Overseas Territories to speak directly with the British Government and with each other on crucial issues that will determine the nature of the future relationship between Britain and its remaining Overseas Territories.

"We proposed the establishment of the Consultative Council for this purpose and we are confident of meaningful talks that will serve the best interests of us all.'' The conference -- which will also be attended by Attorney General Lois Browne-Evans -- will also include sessions on immigration and citizenship, human rights, drugs and other crime, including white-collar crime.

The Territories may also push for greater representation in the Commonwealth, where they currently only have observer status and are represented primarily by the British Government.

And the OTs relationship with the European Union, of which the UK is a member, will also come under the spotlight, while economic and financial issues will be also be discussed.

Aviation safety and security -- as well as airline routes negotiations -- will figure in the talks as well.

Day two of the conference will focus on the role of Overseas Territories "in a changing world'' -- and will again involve the issue of Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings.

Montserrat Chief Minister David Brandt -- whose island was ravaged by volcanic eruptions -- will kick off discussions on protecting the environment and disaster preparedness.

Ms Smith met Baroness Scotland when the Bermuda Government for the first time sent a delegation to the British Labour Party's annual conference last month.

Ministers and Civil Servants managed a Bermuda booth and held a special reception for top figures at the conference.

Ms Smith said: "In line with practices in many other jurisdictions, Government decided that this participation could assist in highlighting those points of interest which Bermuda has with the UK Government.

Premier "There was no better opportunity with so many UK Government Ministers together in one place.'' Ms Smith added: "This Government is determined to take advantage of every opportunity to put Bermuda's case to the British Government.

"And we are pleased to state that Bermuda's entrance in this arena was warmly welcomed by members of the UK Government, as well as by other Overseas Territories who, as conference attendees for several years, welcomed Bermuda to their ranks.

"All in all we returned from the conference with a renewed conviction that Bermuda's attendance at this conference further strengthened the ties between our two Governments and certainly enhanced Bermuda's position in advance of the Overseas Territories Consultative Council meeting.'' But she took a swing at the Opposition UBP for failing to take up an offer to attend the Labour Party conference.

Ms Smith said: "It had been our hope that when dealing with Bermuda's national interest we could present a common front. Unfortunately, the Opposition party decided not to accept our invitation and the attendant opportunity to network with British Government Ministers.'' First speech: Jennifer Smith PREMIER VIP