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Upcoming events of interest to local and international business:

Institute Young Member's Committee, 5-7 p.m., August 12, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute. 295-1596 for invitations.

5th Liability Insurance Conference, sponsored by Starr Excess Liability Insurance Co. Ltd., September 1-3, Exeter College, Oxford, UK. 171-327-5639.

International Business Expo, Bermuda International Business Association, September 19, City Hall car park, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 292-0632.

12th International Reinsurance Congress, October 14-16, Hamilton Princess.


Business Calendar is published every Monday in the Business section. If you have an event or conference you want to list, contact Ahmed ElAmin or David Fox at 295-5881 ext. 247 and 248 respectively.