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A sound investment -- New owners of Opus Encore hope to strike a chord with music lovers

HAMILTON music store Opus Encore is to get a facelift after being taken over by new owners -- husband and wife team Brian and Nic Swan.

The couple have vowed to continue selling sheet music and musical instruments, but will be introducing a wide selection of CDs and `funky' items including piercing accessories, bindis and body jewels.

From Monday there will be a sale which will include surplus stock such as gift items like mugs, ties and T-shirts, and will allow more room for new deliveries which will start arriving within the next two weeks.

Mr. Swan, who is a music teacher at Bermuda College, a composer and double bass player, said they wanted to update the shop.

"We would like to bring in eventually computer software which will allow people to make music on their computers,'' he said.

Mrs. Swan, who is from Leeds and is a disc jockey, said she wanted to cater for some tastes that were not covered by shops already on the Island.

"The dance music is at an all time low, as is jazz, and we hope to broaden this out,'' she said.

Mrs. Swan hopes to bring in what she calls "bits of kitch'' or "funky'' accessories, and will be in charge of ordering CDs for the shop.

Under her, there will be a wider range of classical music, as well as house, garage, jazz, Latin jazz, rare grove and trip hop.

Her husband will be in charge of the musical instruments and sheet music ordered. And their son, Elliott Swan, 13, will join in to help the shop out when needed.

The two also hope to set up a second hand cd sales area, and said they would consider buying anything as long as it was in good condition -- not mouldy or scratched.

And they will continue to sell tickets to musical events from the shop, and currently are selling Amnesty International's Jazz & Razzamatazz tickets for the end of November.

Mr. Swan added: "But we want our customers to know that we are not abandoning the music or the instruments. They will still be here and can be ordered or bought here. We will also be hiring out instruments.''