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Air Canada's service set to resume today

local general manager Veronica DeSilva announced last night.The news came shortly after Air Canada's pilots voted in favour of a new contract and ended a 13-day strike that grounded all of its flights.

local general manager Veronica DeSilva announced last night.

The news came shortly after Air Canada's pilots voted in favour of a new contract and ended a 13-day strike that grounded all of its flights.

Air Canada's Pilot Association polled its members over the weekend and of the 1,974 pilots eligible to vote, 1,550 approved the tentative contract, which was agreed on by negotiators last Thursday.

Some flights resumed immediately following the announcement and full international and domestic service is expected by Thursday.

Ms DeSilva said Flight 942 from Toronto was set to arrive in Bermuda on schedule today at 12.20 p.m. and Flight 947 would depart for Toronto at 1.25 p.m.

She said all passengers holding a reservation with Air Canada could fly with the carrier but advised all travellers who had made alternative arrangements on other airlines to cancel them directly.

A union spokesman said pilots dropped their demand for a 12-percent pay increase over two years, instead accepting the company offer of a nine percent raise over that period.

But pilots won improvements in scheduling and work hours along with improved social benefits, better working conditions, a better pension fund for senior pilots and a revenue-sharing deal with Air Canada and its global partners.