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Association chief to address conference

will headline a local conference and banquet next month.Sylvia Perry, president of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, will speak at the local chapter's women's conference and annual banquet on March 4.

will headline a local conference and banquet next month.

Sylvia Perry, president of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, will speak at the local chapter's women's conference and annual banquet on March 4.

Mrs. Perry, from Bristol, England, became president of the federation, which has more than 250,000 members in 106 countries, last year.

And BPWA local spokesperson Lauren Bell said Mrs. Perry will deliver an hour-long address at the BWPA of Bermuda's Women's conference at the Bermuda College on Saturday, March 1.

The conference will also feature sessions on "Keeping Your Family and Career on Track'' and "Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace'', Ms Bell said.

The annual dinner and candle-lighting ceremony, she added, will be held the following Tuesday at Ariel Sands hotel in Devonshire.

During that event, Mrs. Perry will address the audience which will also witness BPWA's presentation of the Woman of the Year Award.

Ms Bell said the award was made annually in recognition of the International Women's Day. Last year's recipient was Hands of Love Ministry founder Fern Wade.

BPWA of Bermuda was founded in 1975 by Dame Marjorie Bean and is affiliated with the international federation which provides a network for business and professional women.

Sylvia Perry