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Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Ltd.

The newly-created position involves wholesaling the group's proprietary mutual funds through overseas distributors. Mr. Jones recently returned to Bermuda after receiving his MBA from F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

While in Boston Mr. Jones also worked as a freelance consultant and team leader, developing marketing strategies for Fidelity Investment Technologies, Fidelity Capital Technologies, State Street Bank and Eaton Vance Mutual Fund Distributors.

Mr. Jones was previously employed as compliance officer and research analyst for Banchile Corredores de Bolsa, S.A. and Banchile Administradora de Fondos Mutuos in Santiago, Chile.

*** Barrington Investments Ltd. has appointed Mary De Silva as the company's investment advisor. Ms De Silva holds the designation of Chartered Institute Banker and has worked in the financial services industry for eight years.

Barrington is an affiliate of Canadian-based RBC Dominion Securities and is a member of the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

George Jones Mary De Silva BUSINESS BUC