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Belco in bid to maximise efficiency

a drive to obtain maximum efficiency and hold down operating costs.

The company will hold a telephone survey of 300 residential and 300 commercial customers between August 31 and September 10 to gather information on electricity usage and for a feasibility study on the possibilities of "Demand Side Management''.

Belco spokeswoman Miss Linda Smith said yesterday that Demand Side Management was an attempt to balance out demand by reducing peak usage and so delay the necessity for building a new plant.

"We have to keep enough plant on line to meet peak demands, so if we can reduce peak usage by moving it to other times of the day, it may delay the need for new capital investment.'' She said the survey would be used to sound out customers' willingness to participate in energy efficiency programmes.

Depending on the results of the survey, Miss Smith said that Belco may consider off peak rates for the consumer.

"Demand Side Management is good for the environment and if we can offer off peak rates, it would also be good for the customer.'' The survey, to be carried out by the US firm, Applied Energy Group Inc. in conjunction with Belco, will consist of 15 minute interviews in which customers will be asked questions relating to their appliances, energy usage, and their opinions on conservation and energy-saving programmes.

Additionally, the survey teams will meet with their major large demand customers.

The study is expected to be completed before the end of the year.