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Business people

Storie & Co., a firm of insurance and reinsurance consultants.Ms Smith will direct the marketing function for the company's reinsurance consulting and investment advisory services.

Storie & Co., a firm of insurance and reinsurance consultants.

Ms Smith will direct the marketing function for the company's reinsurance consulting and investment advisory services.

She will also work with the company's affiliates in London, New York, Chicago, Hartford and Los Angeles.

Ms Smith took her first degree in History from Stonehill College, Massachusetts and her post-graduate MBA degree, which she finished in May, in marketing from American International College, in Springfield, Massachusetts.

She is a member of the American Marketing Association and The American Management Association.

She spent one and a half year over 1990/91 as a management trainee with the Bank of Bermuda before returning to college.

Mr. William M. Ferguson , of The Frame Shed, in Hamilton, has been awarded the title of Certified Picture Framer by the International Professional Picture Framers Association, which is based in Virginia. The award permits Mr.

Ferguson to use the professional designation CPF.

To obtain the award, Mr. Ferguson passed an examination developed by New Jersey-based Educational Testing Services for the professional framing association.

Ms Stephanie Smith.