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Child care author lures full house

renowned paediatrician, author and TV host Dr. T. Berry Brazelton talk about the stresses on families of the 1990s.

It was standing room only as Bermudian moms -- and just as many dads -- showed that giving children the right care was one of their major concerns. They lined up after his talk to ask questions from breast feeding to thumb sucking to whether it's okay to leave a baby at home while you go on holiday.

Dr. Brazelton, a regular guest on ABC's Home Show, urged Bermudians to think about health and child care issues now. He warned welfare systems were generally destructive. It was better for a Government to reach out to its people, before they were forced to seek help.

"In our country (US), never before has a generation been less healthy and less prepared for the future,'' he said. Eighteen percent of children born at the Boston Children's Hospital where he works were born with substance addictions.

He also noted that 90 percent of Bermuda's moms worked in the day, compared to around 70 percent in America. The seminar was sponsored by the Health Ministry as part of Family Health Month. Another free talk will take place tonight at 7.00, also at St. Paul's.