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Future of McDonald's is still unclear

September, the future of the McDonald's franchise remains unclear.Management and Technology Minister the Hon. Dr. Grant Gibbons said on Sunday that the future of the franchise has been the subject of many discussions for some time.

September, the future of the McDonald's franchise remains unclear.

Management and Technology Minister the Hon. Dr. Grant Gibbons said on Sunday that the future of the franchise has been the subject of many discussions for some time.

"There has been no decision taken one way or another,'' he told The Royal Gazette . "We have yet to get a proposal from anyone associated with McDonald's stating whether they wish to continue or not.'' "I am aware that there was some interest but I believe the current franchise is 100 percent American owned and it is partially connected with the Navy,'' he said.

This alone would create problems with the legal requirement that a Bermuda company must be sixty per cent Bermudian owned.

Mr. Gibbons also said that according to current legislation, franchises were not acceptable and only a broader decision by the Government could change that.